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^ this was solved by tweaking node's memory setting


I tried :advanced on an iPad 2 and it brings my launch latency down to 2 seconds, where it was 3 seconds with :simple. I think I might stick with :advanced given that difference.


Thanks for the feedback @mfikes


@mfikes yea it took me a long time months ago to figure that out that you just did… the React Native bundler seems pretty inefficient/slow; but since I started using :advanced (my :advanced compiles cljs source is ~1.4MB of google closure JS vs. 5-6MB+ otherwise under :simple) I never had issues with the memory… tweaking the memory is also annoying because if you do it ad-hoc (aka edit the source, and I didn’t have patience for more proper fix), every time I upgraded React Native I had to re-fix the file lol


(some bash file in the depths of React Native haha)


and I have definitely observed a similar thing, especially on older devices having larger JS file makes a big difference in the initial load times (and anecdotally/from my memory it got worse the bigger the :simple output); with the new ClojureScript externs auto generation it has been very pleasant using :advanced for the past 4-5 months and I never looked back 🙂


If I use “re-natal om-next”, is “om-navigate” the most popular lib to navigate?🙂


Do not really understand the core function “render-screen”.


the React Native packager has various issues with big Javascript files. - /Users/r/s/wbl/node_modules/react-native/packager/src/JSTransformer/index.js increase transform timeout interval - Add --max_old_space_size=16384 to node command line - If you get node gc-timeouts ->


this is usually caused by (js/require)‘ing large json files and a large compiled js file. It is much better to use or a similar package


@eric.shao om-navigate is just an example of using react navigation in om-next, it's not a lib and certainly not popular 🙂