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@seantempesta do you have an example of using your base navigation namespaces (re-frame here) ?


hey guys, have you ever tried to use hot reloading + cljsbuild for a react native application? I have been using re-natal + figwheel for development but I have some problems with keeping the state of my components. We have been discussing about it here: The point is that apparently hot reloading can already covert most of what figwheel is supposed to achieve.


I am currently using re-natal + figwheel + cursive and their integrations leaves lots to be desired. I was wondering if anybody has already tried making cljsbuild work with hot reloading and cursive (or similar) 🙂 ?


@carocad haven't tried it but would be curious


@pesterhazy I haven’t tried yet, but outputting to figwheel seems optimal for me


@pesterhazy please correct me if I am wrong (since this seems too easy to be true) but according to my experiments, this two function calls are all that is needed to get a production build or a cljs repl (using vanilla repl - no plugin, leiningen, etc)

(require 'cljs.repl)
(require '
(require 'cljs.repl.node)

( "src"
                      {:output-to ""
                       :optimizations :simple})

(cljs.repl/repl (cljs.repl.node/repl-env)
                :watch "src"
                :output-to     ""
                :output-dir    "target/android")
                ;:main "")