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@pesterhazy What's the recommended routing solution for RN?


s/RN/& + CLJS/


What do you mean?


hey guys, I following the Creating a new project section in re-natal but I get an error on my terminal Command failed: node -e "require('react-native/local-cli/cli').init('.', 'Hive')" I am using Ubuntu 16.04. Do you know how can I fix this? thanks a lot


I solved the problem. It seems that there is a bug in react-native with the invariant dependency.


I'm a newbie with react native so I'm just trying to find a proper workflow here.. But I was wondering. When I get an error in phone, it isn't very helpful. I mostly fix them by trial and error. How do you get better error messages? I was also wondering.. react native dom probably have some constraints of what should be where. Is there clojure.spec for that so that the schema could be checked like for instant before it goes into phone and gives an ugly error message?


@steeni For starters React Native stacktraces aren’t the best. Are you using boot-react-native or re-natal? I had some issues with re-natal not showing where the error was thrown, and boot-react-native has been better for me in that regard


I tried re-natal but switched quickly into boot-react-native.


Ok, one thing I’ve noticed is that the trace in the console is often not pointing to your code, while the trace on the red screen of death do have some reference.


Ok, thanks. I think it needs some getting used to with those stack traces. In some cases things are not too intuitive. Like when I was toying with navbar and mostly things are in kebab-case but all the sudden LeftButton and so on are in CamelCase. Took some time for me to find the error.


For me debugger in chrome with "Pause on exceptions" is work well)


This is probably stupid question but how do you run react native in a chrome 🙂


cmd+d (ios), cmd+m (android) and then “Debug js remotely"


okey. that sounds nice. I have missed that part completely. That should help a lot. Also source maps there and I see straight in the debugger clojure and not js right?


This has been helpful. I knew there was something that I was missing 🙂 Thanks.


@pesterhazy I mean, are there any recommended ClojureScript solutions which provide routing, deep linking, and work with ReactNative?


hey guys, newbie question: is it normal that running lein figwheel android never shows the prompt for typing?


When I asked about secretary, you said I'd need to work it into React's Navigator; that doesn't sound like it supports RN at all. It sounds like you're saying "Yeah, it supports it... if you add support."


one other thing. Is the consensus so far really for re-natal? All the videos that I have checked seem to suggest boot-react-native is a better approch


@jeaye If you are using re-frame then you can have a look at my example repo that uses re-frame and the new official React Navigation:


Yep, I'm using re-frame. Thanks for the link.


Oh it does depends on Om Next...


I like it very much and I did use it with RN and the Ex-Navigator


I'm sure it could be adapted to the new RN Nagivator... I'd like to see that in fact, I could help too... But you need to use Om next or else it makes no sense to use Compassus