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in NavigatorIOS
, is there a way to get the height of the titlebar? so i can have the components with some offset from the top
on re-natal, how can i push
to a navigator in a cljs way? i can do (.push nav #js{:title “bla” :component bla})
. is there a way to make it more cljs-like?
@pvinis depends from what you use. I'm use re-frame and my navigation happened in application state
@pvinis no, re-natal can generate project with re-frame + reagent, rum, or even om.
look at this
this is not use navigator
you can do push inside track!
I have example with navigator, somewhere in git history of this file)
can't find right now
ugh, i wanna use cljs with rn but its so many layers, that if i have a problem i have no idea how to try and find which layer has the problem or im not unserstanding
@pvinis sorry for bad code formatting)
smth like this
when app db is changed track!
will trigger
@pvinis another one app you can check with navigation
also last app use react-native-navigation
, look at this, I think it's better that NavigationIOS
@pesterhazy what i basically have right now is:
(def state (atom ""))
(defn on-change [txt]
(reset! state txt))
(defc input-wrapper [v on-change]
(text-input {:defaultValue v :onTextChange on-change})
(defc page []
(input-wrapper @state on-change))
(rum pseudocode).and it works faster (w/o stuttering) than just
(text-input {:value v :onTextChange on-change})
@misha, interesting. Can you clear the value by changing the value of an already mounted text-input?