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@rhiannon31 Remember that you need to have a developer account and a certificate if you intend to run your iOS app on a real device.
@lxsameer Navigator is very OO but is being deprecated for NavigationExperimental which has a much more functional API. I have an example implementation here (using re-frame):
NavigationExperimental has breaking changes in each release
@lxsameer I think that react-native-navigation
from wix is better choice
hamm I'm writing a compojure like router for re-frame right now, I think we need a more clojuric approach
I have a wrapper around Navigator
which track!
changes from re-frame db and change scenes
Last time I throw away Navigator
from project and create my own transitions between scenes with Animated API
smth like this
@savelichalex cool thanks
(defn app-root []
(let [route (subscribe [:route])]
(println ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
(println @route)
[router/router routes @route]]))
Is anyone using re-natal with cider? The repl works fine but I keep getting user-error: ‘cider-eval-last-sexp’ needs a ClojureScript REPL.
when trying to eval stuff from a buffer.
@mac Aren’t you using clojure-mode in CLJC file? Had the same issue some time ago, changing to clojurescript-mode helped
ah, did you use cider-connect? After that you need to lift clojure repl to clojurescript repl smth like (use 'figwheel-sidecar.repl-api)(cljs-repl)
@artemyarulin I thought so, but no change.
@artemyarulin Is there an easier way to connect? I need to run (use 'figwheel-sidecar.repl-api)(cljs-repl)
at some point, right?
@artemyarulin Sorry I meant run (start-figwheel "android")
at some point.
Oh, I have no idea - I’m not using re-natal. But if you run (use 'figwheel-sidecar.repl-api)(cljs-repl)
does it stuck? If it does stuck it means you have no RN connection yet
@artemyarulin No, it connects just fine.
hm, then you should have a connection, weird
@artemyarulin The repl is there and working, evals stuff in the browser and everything, but for some reason cider doesn't use/see it.
are you using CLJC file?
@artemyarulin Sorry meant emulator, not browser.
@artemyarulin No, a cljs file.
Hm yeah, very strange then it should work fine
@artemyarulin Will go pester the nice people in the cider channel
yeah, updating emacs/cider also sometimes helps
Hey y'all, I'm still trying to run my app on my real device from Xcode. It works in Simulator with Figwheel.
Here's what I've done:
1. Got IP address from iphone settings
2. Ran re-natal use-ios-device
with that IP address.
3. Ran lein prod-build
4. Opened Xcode, changed scheme configuration from Debug to Release, changed platform to physical device
5. Hit Run on Xcode.
Result: white screen of death
Earlier @misha recommended editing AppDelegate.m
. However, my AppDelegate doesn't have those options at all! I did this anyway:
// jsCodeLocation = [[RCTBundleURLProvider sharedSettings] jsBundleURLForBundleRoot:@"index.ios" fallbackResource:nil];
jsCodeLocation = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"main" withExtension:@"jsbundle"];
@rhiannon31 Check that you actually have main.jsbundle file included in project. I remember using RNv31 which for some reason didn’t include this file into project although it was generated by the packager
I do have a file ios/build/Build/Products/Release-iphonesimulator/
Hmmm…in Xcode, main.jsbundle
shows on sidebar in red, but has never been the source of errors in development
yep, it’s not included then
I should drag and drop it in?
Okay, I copied it in to loq-app/ios/loqApp/
, same level as AppDelegate.m
, then lein prod-build
, unfortunately still throwing an exception
Actually main.jsbundle
still shows in red even though it exists now
Well easiest way would be to remove main.jsbundle from xcode project and then add it once again using drag-n-drop
You’re right, doing that made it stop showing red (although now it shows two). It added weird code to another file but I got rid of those errors. Still white screen of death though! recommends react-native bundle --platfrom ios --dev false --entry-file index.ios.js