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what do you guys use for logging? need to get some rudimentary logging done and can't find that much info. using re-natal
@kitofr: what are your requirements?
In cljs I mainly use a my.project.logging
namespace like this:
(defn log [& s] (apply println s))
(def debug (fn [& _])) ;; no-op for now
(def info log)
(def warn log)
(def error log)
this basically just uses println, bute when a need arises for better logging, I'll be able to replace it with something more granular
you can also use something like this:
(hat tip to @martinklepsch)
@shader: animations work just like in react-native proper
(def animated-view (r/adapt-react-class (.-View js/Animated)))
; you'll need to use js interop to use js/Animated.Value.
(set! js/Animated (.-Animated js/React))
well... i just realised that I mainly need to configure my xcode-env to output things in a decent format
interesting, how do you do that?
when I look at my simulator log (`react-native log-ios`), I see a bunch of useless crap, besides the interesting app logs
a lot of noise essentially
XCode's debug window is better, but I really don't want to have XCode open all the time
looking at luno exampe there's a lot of passing of functions or components that are platform specific into and out of shared code
I'm curious about that
what kind of differences between ios and android are you thinking of?
@macroz: I use the env library and a macro like this:
(defmacro pcomp
"Gets platform dependent component"
(symbol (str "pilloxa." env/PLATFORM ".components") c))
I use (def platform (.. js/React -Platform -OS))
I'd like to share a bit more of my code but how does the shared code access the platform specific components in an abstracted manner
why not (defn toolbar [] (if (= "android" platform) [toolbar-android] [toolbar-ios]))
so you would implement a generic component library on top of the platform specific ones?
react native tries hard to expose the platform specific stuff so you can get the UX perfect, not a hybrid experience
a game, or some app with a lot of custom UX might get away with just having the same thing on all platforms but a "regular app" would not
well a lot of code can be shared
can you name an example?
you only refer to the abstract components
the abstract component then include conditionals, yes, but that seems fine
for simple things I'd say a quick (when (android? ...)
is fine here and there
I don't agree about that, honestly
it's much easier to go overboard with multimethods etc as a premature abstraction
also because there is only ever going to be a number of platforms that you can count by your fingers
I'd only go down the garden path of picking a specific abstraction once you know much more about how the conditional paths in your app are going to look like
I don’t think that conditionals are that ugly of a hack, I will use it until I the code is so big that I can come up with some smarter way of doing it.
exactly, @vikeri
writing components should be simple and not bloated with the ifs or passing native component constructors around
it's an interesting architecture topic
in these discussions I always tend towards the naive solution
i.e. if the set of options was dynamic and could be extended by someone else, I'd prefer multiple dispatch
how would you use a multimethod?
what do you mean by constructor?
reagent fn?
but since the set of platforms is not going to expand I think this is not the best possible solution
might be an interesting topic for a blog post
important thing is that it's simple to reason about
so maybe in the very root component use dynamic scope and bind the ui components to their native implementations
why not just a simple global def
, as in my example above?
as you say, the platform is static
yeah the proof is in the pudding
please report back!
I'm getting to the point where I need to make these decisions myself
Yeah, very interesting. I think I will parametrize my builds with env so that I can have android/ios hardcoded in each js-bundle. Hopefully slightly better performance + I got some error just from having DatePickerIOS required when running in Android...
you can easily do (def date-picker-ios (when-not (android?) (js/require "date-picker-ios")))
by the way, has anyone come up with a nice solution for the "imports" used in RN?
that seems like something a macro may help with
(rn-import view image text touchable-highlight)
that'd be awesome
we need more cookbook-style cljsrn example code
yeah, but it's also difficult since everything is a moving target so the example code goes stale pretty quickly
yes and no
actually, most of the code we wrote 1 year ago still works exactly as it is
the tooling has changed quite a lot though
yes and most of this also goes for react-native
there was a big change in 0.25 (react-dom/react-native split)
but mostly they are good about backward compatiblity
I'm pretty impressed with the RN team's work in general
(the RN packager is a different story)
yeah, it's just the small cuts that hurt a lot because they cost a lot of time compared to the ease of implementing stuff these days
the thing is we can alleviate a lot of this by sharing workarounds, warnings and performance improvements
I feel that the community is very important in this "wild west" of cljsrn app dev
I see that the output of the dist task in boot-react-native
seems to have global.__DEV__ = true
. Can that be modified somehow?
@vikeri: I use
it's a hack, but it works
again, a github issue would be great so we can track the issue
Haha yet another scripting language introduced. Guess it was faster to script than a boot task? I'll file an issue. Also realized brn ignores :closure-defines
will file an issue for that as well.
And how does the full release process looks like. What do I do with the created bundle?
hmm it shouldn't ignore closure-defines -- we use that option successfully
yeah, it was just a quick hack, easier to do in python
you need to add the js bundle to the app bundle (in xcode you can drag it into your project)
I'm sure the react-native guys have a way for that now, might be worth checking (I build my own bash script that runs in an xcode build phase)
I've implemented automatic patching of node_modules/react-native in master
the new task, patch-rn
, is idempotent 🙂
>you need to add the js bundle to the app bundle (in xcode you can drag it into your project)
As you are discussing other languages
let me introduce Ruby and project, because it’s not enough
require 'xcodeproj'
project ='app.xcodeproj')
bundle = project.main_group.groups.first.files.first
project.targets.first.add_resources([bundle]) # RN default project doesn’t include js bundle in target
testTarget = project.targets[1]
# Dynamically add new test files to project
Dir["appTests/*.m"].select{ |f|
f != "appTests/appTests.m"
}.map{ |f|
I’m actually using this for testing RN + CLJS, so in case you need to do a lot of changes in xcodeproj often - consider this project
so what's the right way to make a new app using boot-react-native? Is it just adding the two boot tasks mentioned in the readme?
it looks like there might be a lot of extra boiler plate required, based on the example app, but I'm not sure that forking boot-react-native to use it is the right idea either
yeah so a bit of logic in build.boot is required, and some other stuff, like
your best bet at the moment is to copy SimpleExampleApp
however, we should start moving logic into boot-react-native proper, so that less boilerplate in apps is required
there's also but it hasn't been updated in a while
I hope @jellea will update it soon, once things settle down a bit with BRN
though using a project generator is also not a perfect solution, as you need to keep things updated as BRN changes