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Hello everybody. I can't run my Android APK. I use re-natal. I've succesfully created release APK-file (lein prod-build, and everything from there:, but I see this error when I start my application
that probably means that the javascript wasn't loaded or threw an exception
it didn't get to the point where it registers the application in react
is the problem due to advanced compilation (google closure)}
In re-natal project 'lein prod-build' compiles in mode :simple
I admit have not tried the whole way building APK, but strange it does not work. Need to try it...
How do you register application? registerRunnable? Latest re-natal generates code which use registerComponent. Same way as in normal JS examples, so with latest re-natal you have better chances
my init metod in android.core looks this way now:
(defn ^:export init []
(dispatch-sync [:initialize-db])
(fn []
(.registerRunnable ui/app-registry "DealsChecker" #(mount-root))))
with latest re-natal it looks smth like
(defn init []
(dispatch-sync [:initialize-db])
(.registerComponent ui/app-registry "luno" #(r/reactify-component app-root)))
which should be analogous to what they do in JS ReactNative:
AppRegistry.registerComponent('MoviesApp', () => MoviesApp);
but, do not know if this is somehow related
@alwx, doesn't that just defined a fn without calling it?
@alwx, I'd guess that's the problem
just remove the (fn [] )
I've pushed my changes to Frappe. It works much better now, I promise
you're welcome
Please run re-natal upgrade
Also please check the release notes, for versions of re-natal in between. There might be some manual steps needed
For example require-img macro was removed. Now normal js/require should be used for images
Which version of react-natal should be used 0.17.0 gives erros but 0.4.4 works fine, but 0.4.4 doesn't support react-native-material-design.
I get errors like RCTVibration and RCTAdSupport compilation errors
Official react-native set up guide says that you need xcode 7.0 or higher. Maybe the problem
will update and try out
Luno ( has been updated — now it uses the latest version of re-natal and contains detailed instructions of how to build it and run properly. Thanks @drapanjanas for PR. I've also improved it a bit, and you may say thanks to me, too :) Hope you will find it useful, guys!
@alwx, just pulled and have it working locally now!
@jurgen_photek: cool. congratulations!
Does the react developer tools for chrome plugin work with clojurescript? I can’t get the tab to show up during debugging.