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@johanatan: Please share your solution (if you will find any) on this channel later on - it sounds like a very general issue and many people would encounter it


I’ve just started integration of om next and RN to my existing app, cannot help you yet


in case someone had issues with extremely slow ios simulator: CMD+t toggles slow animation mode.


@mfikes: is there a way to connect to natal repl from some other repl, which has autocomplete and other goods?


or maybe I am missing something, and natal's repl already has that?


@misha: Natal uses Ambly, which simply inherits all of its REPL behavior from that provided by the ClojureScript compiler. In that sense it is like all of the other “regular” ClojureScript REPLs, and most people use rlwrap for that. So rlwrap natal repl. Having said that, I suppose someone could write something that composes with any ClojureScript REPL to provide a richer experience (like the facilities currently in the Planck REPL, for example).


@mfikes: * by "goods" I meant something like this (though it does not support cljs yet(?))


does natal/ambly exposes any host/port other repls can connect to? what should I reed to get familiar with all the clj/cljs/xcode/repls routings and topology around ambly/natal?


my initial impression is that only repl host/port needs to be available to connect and get the dependencies scope to be able to use autocomplete (probably the only thing I am after atm.) and other things. I doubt it is correct though.


@misha: Yeah, things like Ultra could support socket REPL, which is designed to allow secondary “sessions” in which things like ns-interns and other calls can be used to learn more about the execution environment, leading to the ability to autocomplete, etc.


@misha: are you an emacs/cider user at all?