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@juhoteperi hey I have a question, I am looking to bundle angular2+ for cljsjs but I have no idea how to go about that, any pointers?


@flyboarder No, not really. Haven't looked at Angular 2 at all so I have no idea how it is built.


@flyboarder from what I understood about angular 2+ it that’s it’s kind of an all-or-nothing thing. Meaning you either use all of angular, including build tools, or not att all. It’s not like angular 1 which can be easily mixed with other things.


Anyone in here using LeafletJS through cljsjs? I am trying to use L.geoJSON to create a country boundary and it’s working in development mode, but when I go to Production and use advanced compilation I am getting a JavaScript error… I’ve had a look at the externs defined for the package and I can see a section that appears to be telling Closure to ignore / not munge geoJSON, but I don’t really know what I am looking for - ClojureScript newbie and way out of touch with JavaScript in its vanilla / basic form. Can anyone help at all..?


(I am assuming that it’s my use of L.geoJSON that’s the problem as all my ogther Leaflet “stuff” works under advanced compilation)