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I found a strange (probably a bug somewhere) compilation output when _
placeholder is used multiple times in a protocol function.
The code sample is:
(defprotocol IState1
(-extract1 [_] [_ _] "Extract the current state value."))
(defprotocol IState2
(-extract2 [it] [it default] "Extract the current state value."))
You can observe they are the same method one using named arguments and other using just _
placeholder everywhere.
And the compiler output extract for the both is:
// [...]
// the bug is here:
(bugrep.main1._extract1.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1 = (function (_){
if((((!((_ == null)))) && ((!((_.bugrep$main1$IState1$_extract1$arity$1 == null)))))){
return _.bugrep$main1$IState1$_extract1$arity$1(_);
} else {
return bugrep$main1$IState1$_extract1$,_);
(bugrep.main1._extract1.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2 = (function (_,___$1){
if((((!((___$1 == null)))) && ((!((___$1.bugrep$main1$IState1$_extract1$arity$2 == null)))))){
return ___$1.bugrep$main1$IState1$_extract1$arity$2(___$1,___$1);
} else {
return bugrep$main1$IState1$_extract1$,___$1,___$1);
(bugrep.main1._extract1.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2);
// [...]
// The correct output
(bugrep.main1._extract2.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1 = (function (it){
if((((!((it == null)))) && ((!((it.bugrep$main1$IState2$_extract2$arity$1 == null)))))){
return it.bugrep$main1$IState2$_extract2$arity$1(it);
} else {
return bugrep$main1$IState2$_extract2$,it);
(bugrep.main1._extract2.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2 = (function (it,default$){
if((((!((it == null)))) && ((!((it.bugrep$main1$IState2$_extract2$arity$2 == null)))))){
return it.bugrep$main1$IState2$_extract2$arity$2(it,default$);
} else {
return bugrep$main1$IState2$_extract2$,it,default$);
Observe how on the first part the inner function call is called with ___$1
passing it down as first and second argument.
I know that the protocol placeholders are used as documentation, but I found this on a first fast prototyping and constantly getting "no protocol IState implementation found" for the second argument value which of course don't implement it and don't need implement it on my case.
The code is simple and can be reproduced with any protocol with multiple arities using _
placeholder, but if you need I can push the repro code to an maybe that what you found is a bug around _
and JS var names, but did you check that the same problem doesn’t occur w/ duplicated parameter names in general?
(bugrep.main1._extract2.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2 = (function (it,it__$1){
if((((!((it__$1 == null)))) && ((!((it__$1.bugrep$main1$IState2$_extract2$arity$2 == null)))))){
return it__$1.bugrep$main1$IState2$_extract2$arity$2(it__$1,it__$1);
} else {
return bugrep$main1$IState2$_extract2$,it__$1,it__$1);
i know that _
has no special meaning, and I checking this with bare cljs compiler (latest version 1.11.60
) and compiling with
(require '[ :as b])
(b/build "src" {:main 'bugrep.main1
:output-to "main.js"
:output-dir "out"
:target :nodejs
:verbose true})
I mean technically what code could it possibly generate that would make this "correct"?
(bugrep.main1._extract2.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2 = (function (it,it__$1){
if((((!((it == null)))) && ((!((it.bugrep$main1$IState2$_extract2$arity$2 == null)))))){
return it.bugrep$main1$IState2$_extract2$arity$2(it,it__$1);
} else {
return bugrep$main1$IState2$_extract2$,it, it__$1);
but this is not a code, is just a placeholder, and all the possible variables are still there (it,it__$1)
I mean, I define the variable names when I implement the protocol, not on the protocol definition.
Just in case, if you only want to get rid of the "unused variable" warning your IDE might be showing, usually you can get rid of it by adding _
in front of the proper name, like (-extract [_it] [_it _default] ...)
I didn’t realize it should even be valid to have the same formal param name multiple times in an single arg list
However, I’ve seen it come up with people ignoring multiple formal params with the _
convention, eg. (fn [_ _ x] x)
No clue about Java or bytecode. But it has nothing to do with Clojure anyway since it can rename the arguments as it pleases (potentially - I have no idea whether it actually does it).
Yeah, I know the compiler (clj or cljs) could rename if they wanted to to support this.
I’m just surprised if they do.
Of course that does raise the question to me if you can do this what does ((fn [a a] a) 1 2)
mean as already mentioned
Oh but they do. :) You can see the CLJS example above in the main channel. And here's an example from CLJ:
user=> (require 'clj-java-decompiler.core)
user=> (clj-java-decompiler.core/decompile (fn [a a] a))
// Decompiling class: user$fn_line_1__220
import clojure.lang.*;
public final class user$fn_line_1__220 extends AFunction
public static Object invokeStatic(final Object a, final Object a) {
return a;
public Object invoke(final Object a, final Object a2) {
return invokeStatic(a, a2);
Not sure about the final Object a, final Object a
part, but note the final Object a, final Object a2
Also decompilers are not always necessarily correct, so take it all with a grain of salt.
Thanks for all those details. That makes it quite clear. Yeah, I think the decompiled static method is probably just incorrect, but the invoke()
call is insightful.
In addition, while I'm not even remotely knowledgeable in the world of JVM bytecode, AFAIK parameter names might or might not be stored there at all. E.g. a says: > If the parameter's name is present, then this method [`getName`] returns the name provided by the .class file. Otherwise, this method synthesizes a name of the form argN, where N is the index of the parameter in the descriptor of the method that declares the parameter.
in any case, I found this strange, the workaround is clear, just use different placeholder variables on protocol definitions, but still strange, because, on protocol definitions you really need to know how many arguments... and define a function that receves it. The impl should check if the first parameter implements it or run a dynamic lookup
And since the compiler already does this correctly setting different names when generating a function: ...e$arity$2 = (function (it,it__$1){
@niwinz I'm still confused about this case because we're probably talking a bit too much about details and not semantics
"if a protocol is implemented with duplicated parameter names, the later parameter masks the former"
yet somehow this isn't a problem in Clojure? but is this even semantic thing that is guaranteed that we need support?
@dnolen It happens when a protocol is defined (not implemented) with repeated placeholder (per example _
) because you are prototyping or it is just an internal and you just want to indicate the number of parameters but not names. Per example:
(defprotocol IState
(-extract [_] [_ _] "Extract the current state value."))
(extend-type SomeObject
(-extract [this] nil)
(-extract [this default] default))
;; on calling this will raise an exception that `:no-val` does not
;; implements the IState protocol, that as first, very confusing
;; because I don't call -extract over `:no-val` keyword.
(-extract (SomeObject.) :no-val)
Yes, in an ideal case, the protocol should be defined with proper parameter placeholder names, but sometimes that naming is just irrelevant and you just use _
for specify that there will go an argument that I don't care right now.
The main problem is that, if you use a dummy placeholder repeatedly (but also happens when the same placeholder name is used repeatedly) it causes a very confusing error message.
You can observe that in the implementation, I use clear names, and this is how it already works on Clojure side, I just noticed it when start passing cljs tests and surprised by very confusing error, that is caused because compiler generates partially incorrect output, it generates correct separated symbols for each argument but later uses only the last one repeatedly.@niwinz the use case (while I understand is important to you) is not so relevant for whether this should get fixed or not
is not about use case, is about very strange error message, that will make spend some hours researching until reaching that is because compiller generates that code
so one thing for us to look as is to determine why this works in Clojure, or how it avoids the duped parameter issue when dispatching
@U064X3EF3 any chance you have some insight?
that part already generates a correct code, is just the body of the function uses incorrect parameters
(bugrep.main1._extract2.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2 = (function (it,it__$1){
if((((!((it__$1 == null)))) && ((!((it__$1.bugrep$main1$IState2$_extract2$arity$2 == null)))))){
return it__$1.bugrep$main1$IState2$_extract2$arity$2(it__$1,it__$1);
} else {
return bugrep$main1$IState2$_extract2$,it__$1,it__$1);
Look at this generated code, the function already receives: it
and it__$1
because in clojure they are just placeholders as far as I understand, and only indicates the number of variables. Once you add an impl, is there you really use the correct symbols for the arguments
noted - but I think some feedback from the Clojure dev team is warranted before doing anything at all
yep, of course, i'm also will take some time to look on it and understand better how clojure is doing. in any case, thanks for your time for looking on it.
one thing that might be causing a problem is the dispatch mechanism, it may also be that the first parameter is treated in a special way in Clojure - I do not know
but the parameter renaming thing has nothing to w/ anything but JavaScript compilation
but because the dispatcher is a fn, maybe that collides w/ other problems we solved that are more important
sorry, haven't read all that - is there a summary?
protocol definitions only really define arity right?
CLJS implementation details leads to the following behavior - the second name shadows the first inside the protocol fn - which breaks dispatch on first arg
this is on protocol definition or protocol implementation?
but I'm curious how it could work in Clojure since you generate protocol fn there as well
so param ambiguity must be surmounted somehow, unless at the point the names don't matter
not at definition time?
the names don't matter
ah k, so that's not how protocols were implemented at the beginning in ClojureScript as far as I can remember - Rich did that work originally
user=> (defprotocol IFoo (-foo [a a]))
user=> (defrecord A [] IFoo (-foo [a a] (println a)))
user=> (-foo (->A) 1)
I know this has been asked in the general defn case before - something like (defn x [a a] a)
I believe Rich's question then was something like, what does that even mean? :) in practice, I think you get the last named param bound
right, so I think the issue then is that the protocol dispatcher uses normal fn compilation
so that interacts oddly in this case w/ protocols semantics where it's assumed the declaration param names do not matter
in Clojure, defprotocol is really just defining the interface and the param names in an interface method mean nothing for implementors (in Java)
broadly, I think this falls into the category of "don't do that" :)
get out your sand paper for those rough edges