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what's the best way to use your locally built clojurescript jar in maven with -Srepro? :mvn/version
doesn't appear to be pulling my latest local artifact... Does -Srepro pull from remote?
How's this:
cljs.user=> js/blah
ReferenceError: blah is not defined
cljs.user=> (ffirst [1])
Error: 1 is not ISeqable
cljs.core/seq (cljs/core.cljs:1221:20)
cljs.core/first (cljs/core.cljs:1230:16)
cljs$core$ffirst (cljs/core.cljs:1742:4)
(defn file-display
[file {:keys [output-dir temp-output-dir?]}]
(if (and temp-output-dir? (not= "<NO_SOURCE_FILE>" file))
(let [canonicalize (fn [file] (.getCanonicalPath (io/file file)))]
(subs (canonicalize file) (inc (count (canonicalize output-dir)))))
All this stuff was written a couple of years before Spec came out, but this is all we have to go on š
confusing how it worked at all. All canonical paths, when made as temp file, are coming back as /private/var/folder...
whereas the :output-dir
is always /var/folder...
, so I don't see how the subs
is working correctly... but I'm getting closer
output-dir is getting canonicalized too, so it's getting a /private folder too. So, I'll probably just compare the directories, and if they're different, switch on that.
Yeah, backed out of that strategy. David's try catch suggestion is probably the simplest. Something like:
(defn file-display
[file {:keys [output-dir temp-output-dir? repl-verbose]}]
(if temp-output-dir?
(let [canonicalize (fn [file] (.getCanonicalPath (io/file file)))]
(subs (canonicalize file) (inc (count (canonicalize output-dir))))
(catch Throwable e
(when repl-verbose
(println "Failed to canonicalize stacktrace")
(println (Throwables/getStackTraceAsString e)))
Though perhaps this wouldn't be considered a failing condition, worthy of verbose logging?
Right, that works too. I would probably not log anything. You could think of it as a "best effort" to try to shorten the paths shown.
@mfikes You think I should catch on java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
specifically and let it blow up otherwise?
Well, the call to subs
is not meeting its precondition. Perhaps another way to fix it is to not even call it if the first string is too short.
The problem is that "too short" depends on whether the incoming file is actually a file or a string coming in
Because the only way to get the correct length off of the path in front of "<whatever>" is to .getLastIndexOf File.separator
It is really like "/foo/output/dir"
and "/foo/output/dir/file"
trigger the logic if 2nd starts with the 1st
right... that's the direction I was trying to go in, but the trailing file path confused me. I think starts-with?
should work though.
Roughly logic like
(let [output-dir "/foo/output/dir"
file "/foo/output/dir/file"]
(if (clojure.string/starts-with? file output-dir)
(subs file (inc (count output-dir)))
but with the canonicalization, etcthere we go:
(defn file-display
[file {:keys [output-dir temp-output-dir?]}]
(if temp-output-dir?
(let [canonicalize (fn [file] (.getCanonicalPath (io/file file)))
can-file (canonicalize file)
can-out (canonicalize output-dir)]
(if (.startsWith can-file can-out)
(subs can-file (inc (count can-out)))
(subs can-file (inc (.lastIndexOf can-file
cljs.user=> js/blah
ReferenceError: blah is not defined
cljs.user=> (ffirst [1])
Error: 1 is not ISeqable
cljs.core/seq (cljs/core.cljs:1221:20)
cljs.core/first (cljs/core.cljs:1230:16)
cljs$core$ffirst (cljs/core.cljs:1742:4)
k gotta nother patch up on
bisecting blames
@dnolen I figured out will assign to me temporarily to put together a patch
@kommen For now you can work around by adding :cache-analysis true
to your compiler options.
Candiates for closing:
@dnolen not sure. trying to build a demo, a simple app compiles fine with, but getās stuck in validate-inputs* with when building it with figwheel-sidecar.repl-api/start-figwheel!
first, for dep graph stuff if you donāt memoize itās easy to get into situations where it takes forever
@kommen the check is quite simple
honestly I would just hack the ClojureScript compiler and dump inputs before we call validate-inputs
that said - building tests with ClojureScript uses parallel build so Iām surprised that didnāt catch something simple
trying to dump the inputs, thatās quite a blob. would the :requires
and :provides
keys be sufficient for the test?
I've been testing Reagent with advanced optimized build and looks like there are few cases (at least with ReactDOM/server) where Closure breaks React code š
Probably related to this case: (this has not been merged)
React children
property gets written HTML when using server/renderToString
etc. because the check which should detect children
is special property doesn't work
Externs don't help in this case
Probably related to this case: (this has not been merged)
React children
property gets written HTML when using server/renderToString
etc. because the check which should detect children
is special property doesn't work
Externs don't help in this case
Small fix for npm link
I've found an issue with source mapping ClojureScript code, but I'm not quite sure where the issue is:
(ns source-map-test2.core)
;; (defonce conn
;; (repl/connect ""))
(defn test-fn
(let [two-two 2]
((fn rebind [] one-one))
(test-fn 1)
compiles to:
// Compiled by ClojureScript 1.9.946 {}
source_map_test2.core.test_fn = (function source_map_test2$core$test_fn(one_one) {
var two_two = (2);
((function (two_two) {
return (function source_map_test2$core$test_fn_$_rebind() {
return one_one;
return null;
});, (1));
If you look at the locals, one-one
is resolved twice to the two values
But the non sourcemapped version shows up correctly
I notice the Source map spec says that we always must have 1, 4, or 5 values, but in the generated source maps I see lines with 2 and 3 values:
@danielcompton I believe, this is a bug in chrome devtools, nothing to do with cljs:
as a side note: speaking about better chrome devtools interaction, it would help if generated javascript could be processed by jsbeautify or something similar which would break long lines into ānaturalā javascript linebreaks, this would help to place breakpoints and in general interact with devtools debugger (aka āinline breakpointsā) - because for some reason they have some assumptions about the shape of underlying javascript, they treat it as line-based source file and scan N-lines up or have limits on how many inline breakpoints they scan per-line and similar hard-coded line-based limits, compounded with source-mapping bugs this can cause some problems when trying to use devtools debugger with cljs-generated javascript
@darwin good idea
Running code through jsbeautify or such would probably make builds measurably slower, but it should be easy to add some newlines to compiler output?
@juhoteperi I agree that performance is an issue here, I was thinking about a toggle or something optional. Also note that this would be used in dev-time only. And applied to incremental builds most of the time.
Yeah, that could work.
have you tried prettier? it is fast enough that I have it hooked into the save function of my editor
But if it is possible to find certain cases which produce code which is hard to debug, I think it would be easy to add some newlines to output. Like, I think in function calls all arguments are currently written to single line, but they could be easily split to several lines.
whatever works, best would be some in-process java library, which would do the job without spawning a new process
@juhoteperi newlines would help, but I donāt believe this would be a future-proof solution, all future contributors would have to think about newlines for this to not degrade again, but Iām with you here that it is maybe better to improve this at least a bit with this low-hanging-fruit than not at all
I think compiler part doesn't change that often so probably wouldn't be much work keep this working okay
what do you guys think about adding some hook in compiler options as a :post-build step? user could then specify a shell command to run on produced js artifacts
preprocess is quite similar but pre hook
(and only for foreign lib files)