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making (defn foo ^boolean [] ..)
work in cljs and soft deprecating (defn ^boolean foo [] ..)
so I don’t know about deprecating, I guess the former thing should at least be made to correctly propagate type info
these have different meanings(whether you’re type-hinting the var or the return type of the function) and different behavior (var meta are eval’ed, the signature meta is not). Generally type-hinting the return type (before the args vector) is the recommended and preferred place in Clojure.
In the AST, for (defn ^boolean foo [] ..)
we end up with both :ret-tag boolean
and :tag boolean
Perhaps these could somehow be detangled so that (defn foo ^boolean [] ..)
affects :ret-tag
@alexmiller one difference here is that var meta is never eval’ed
also (defn foo ^boolean [] ...)
in clj will throw anyway. we'd be matching style but not substance
@favila Interesting point about multiple arities. It reminds me that the patch in doesn't handle that case.
actually I guess there are in theory six possible things to check: arity tag, arity ret-tag, fn tag and ret-tag, and var tag and ret-tag.
Yeah, there is some interesting fallback logic here already: