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Added comment to a few days ago (self calls aren't optimized). This is pretty different to the original ticket.
1. Should this go into a separate ticket?
2. Most performance is for TreeMap. reduce-kv
is about 2-3x faster (Chrome,FF) with proper calls, dissoc
about 1.5-1.8x faster.
3. There is also: . Is this a regression?
Also have you had a look at:
@anmonteiro Thanks for the patches of the last few issues!
@rauh there is also which messes with some method calls, don't remember if maybe one of yours is affected by this.
So I'm thinking this is a regression then. I'm seeing this in advanced+pseudo build:
var $cljs$core$tree_map_kv_reduce$$ = function $cljs$core$tree_map_kv_reduce$$($node$jscomp$35$$, $f$jscomp$244$$, $init$jscomp$14$$) {
var $init__$1$jscomp$8$$ = null != $node$jscomp$35$$.left ? function() {
var $init__$1$jscomp$8$$ = $node$jscomp$35$$.left;
return $cljs$core$tree_map_kv_reduce$$.$cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3$ ? $cljs$core$tree_map_kv_reduce$$.$cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3$($init__$1$jscomp$8$$, $f$jscomp$244$$, $init$jscomp$14$$) : $cljs$core$tree_map_kv_reduce$$.call(null, $init__$1$jscomp$8$$, $f$jscomp$244$$, $init$jscomp$14$$);
}() : $init$jscomp$14$$;
if ($cljs$core$reduced_QMARK_$$($init__$1$jscomp$8$$)) {
return $cljs$core$_deref$$($init__$1$jscomp$8$$);
var $init__$2$jscomp$9$$ = function() {
var $init$jscomp$14$$ = $node$jscomp$35$$.key, $init__$2$jscomp$9$$ = $node$jscomp$35$$.$val$;
return $f$jscomp$244$$.$cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3$ ? $f$jscomp$244$$.$cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3$($init__$1$jscomp$8$$, $init$jscomp$14$$, $init__$2$jscomp$9$$) : $f$jscomp$244$$.call(null, $init__$1$jscomp$8$$, $init$jscomp$14$$, $init__$2$jscomp$9$$);
if ($cljs$core$reduced_QMARK_$$($init__$2$jscomp$9$$)) {
return $cljs$core$_deref$$($init__$2$jscomp$9$$);
var $init__$3$jscomp$2$$ = null != $node$jscomp$35$$.right ? function() {
var $init$jscomp$14$$ = $node$jscomp$35$$.right;
return $cljs$core$tree_map_kv_reduce$$.$cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3$ ? $cljs$core$tree_map_kv_reduce$$.$cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3$($init$jscomp$14$$, $f$jscomp$244$$, $init__$2$jscomp$9$$) : $cljs$core$tree_map_kv_reduce$$.call(null, $init$jscomp$14$$, $f$jscomp$244$$, $init__$2$jscomp$9$$);
}() : $init__$2$jscomp$9$$;
return $cljs$core$reduced_QMARK_$$($init__$3$jscomp$2$$) ? $cljs$core$_deref$$($init__$3$jscomp$2$$) : $init__$3$jscomp$2$$;
(declare helper)
(defn redirect-helper
[a b]
(helper a b))
(defn helper
[a b]
(js/console.log a b))
testapp.core.redirect_helper = (function testapp$core$redirect_helper(a,b){
return (testapp.core.helper.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2 ? testapp.core.helper.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(a,b) :,a,b));
testapp.core.helper = (function testapp$core$helper(a,b){
return console.log(a,b);
hrm this maybe less a regression then it never working on self calls of fns with only one arity implementation