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ExceptionInfo Call to cljs.core/let did not conform to spec:
In: [0 0] val: :x fails spec: :clojure.core.specs/local-name at: [:args :bindings :binding :sym] predicate: simple-symbol?
In: [0 0] val: :x fails spec: :clojure.core.specs/seq-binding-form at: [:args :bindings :binding :seq] predicate: (cat :elems (* :clojure.core.specs/binding-form) :rest (? (cat :amp #{(quote &)} :form :clojure.core.specs/binding-form)) :as (? (cat :as #{:as} :sym :clojure.core.specs/local-name)))
In: [0 0] val: :x fails spec: :clojure.core.specs/map-bindings at: [:args :bindings :binding :map] predicate: coll?
In: [0 0] val: :x fails spec: :clojure.core.specs/map-special-binding at: [:args :bindings :binding :map] predicate: map?
:clojure.spec/args ([:x "foo"])
at line 12 demo/warnings.cljs {:file "demo/warnings.cljs", :line 12, :column 1, :tag :cljs/analysis-error}
Hello everyone! Does this affect current 1.9.494 release?
BTW I see this ticket closed 3 days ago
do we really have to wait for release or maybe we can build something up by ourselves out of this commit? 😃
oh.. we kinda stuck between broken cljs releases. there are 3 things that are broken in different versions and there is no one out there that works for us. are there any tricks I need to know on how to build cljs against custom closure compiler?
don't need to build custom CLJS, just build and include the updated closure compiler in your dependencies
oh no wait it was here @martinklepsch
@jetzajac I linked a repo here that has instructions for building Closure Compiler locally
Oh and also Closure Compiler readme has good instructions now
@anmonteiro is 1973 ready?
quick fix that I think I missed in the spec port
@dnolen I think you closed the wrong ticket That commit is from which is still open
alright applied a bunch of things, let me know if there’s something specific you’d like for me to also look at
@dnolen CLJS-1956 and CLJS-1964 for my side
@anmonteiro k applied those too