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I discovered something interesting related to cljs.js/eval-str
. When the the supplied *load-fn*
uses core.async
’s go
macro things get corrupted
This is due to the use of binding
inside eval-str
and binding
and core.async
don’t play well together.
It might worth documenting it
@dnolen what do u think?
Yeah but when someone uses eval-str
he is not aware that the code uses binding
This is why I think we need to document it
I know that binding and async will (never) be compatible. Would u like a patch with a word about it in documentation of *load-fn*
putting anything about binding and async in this namespace specifically is not a good idea
The thing is that it’s very natural to use go
inside custom *load-fn*
so my plan today is to fix
@dnolen there are 2 outstanding patches from me:
1- adding 0/1 arity to into
(which is still unreleased in Clojure so you might want to hold off)
2- moving the REPL special docstrings to their actual places now that macros exist (`require` etc) and are also ready for review 🙂
awesome, thanks!
@anmonteiro are the new macros for require
...bootstrap compatible as well by any chance?
@richiardiandrea they are!
I’ve been battle-testing them in bootstrap in a thing, and they work great
Awesome! Replumb has been waiting for that for long time actually @anmonteiro this is great. I will replace them and run the tests in order to provide additional validation ;)
@jrheard I’m going to have to pass on those tickets sorry - you should really avoid touching anything except what’s involved in patch is just a one-line documentation change, avoids touching anything else
the former version of the code copies clojure, but is incorrect because cljs.spec.test uses a different namespace for this keyword (cljs.test.check rather than cljs.spec.test.check)
@robert-stuttaford you’re going to have explain the rationale behind 1821
@dnolen I helped him with that patch. the issue there is that behavior becomes non-deterministic because add-js-sources
doesn’t return them in dependency order
@thheller needs a rebase and 2 nits
@anmonteiro doesn’t return what in dependency order?
more, there’s no dependency re-ordering after add-preloads
is run
the JS sources
it’s not preloads, it’s the foreign libs (JS sources)
@anmonteiro After add-js-sources
all Cljs ns are already compiled so does the ordering matter?
@anmonteiro can you explain further?
no that’s not what the problem was. let me think it through again
if this is the case I want to understand the usecase here before saying yes to this one
this has nothing to do with preloads
hmm looking at the whole add-preloads... hmm
the problem Robert was having was with Closure modules
@dnolen so the JS sources need to be ordered so that modules get output with the correct ordering of JS sources
I think that is the actual underlying issue. I hope I’m explaining myself correctly
@anmonteiro so the issue title is misleading?
we specifically bisected the issue to the preloads commit
yea, the title might be misleading
I hope I’m giving enough context
@thheller no worries, then I’ll handle it - just wanted to give you credit if had time for it
@anmonteiro lets fix the title of the issue and I will look at it again with your information in mind
Does add-preloads
require that inputs are already sorted? (If yes, why?)
To avoud unncessary dep sorting, it would be possible to just move add-preloads
call before dependency-order
call in build
@juhoteperi we’re going to leave preloads
alone for now 🙂 since it’s not related to this issue anyhow
@juhoteperi can we rebase 1762?
@dnolen what should I change the issue title to?
add-preloads breaks the ordering required by Closure modules
@anmonteiro that’s better yeah
the commit message still has the old title though
@anmonteiro preferable to fix that too
it’s Robert’s patch, though. can I fix it without stealing credit?
@anmonteiro @juhoteperi but I’m now questioning this ticket entirely
@dnolen then we should fix add-preloads
to only ever touch sources if :preloads
is specified
@anmonteiro definitely
because it breaks the ordering even if :preloads
is not specified
that’s right
definitely makes more sense to do that
@anmonteiro lets also add a warning about :preloads
for any optimization setting other than :none
I’ll put a new patch together for that issue
@dnolen re: cljs-1672 rebase, sure
@juhoteperi thanks!
@anmonteiro thanks!
should we just create a new issue entirely?
and reject cljs-1821
@anmonteiro nah, lets just make the ticket reflect the problem now that we understand it
@dnolen changing the title again 🙂
@dnolen what’s the preferred way to add a warning in cljs.closure
this doesn’t seem to warrant a new analyzer warning
should we just hard-error with an assert
like we do in the other opts validation functions?
By the way, I think quite many are probably using :preloads
to enable cljs-devtools even in advanced builds
@juhoteperi too bad
(myself included, in some projects)
@anmonteiro warning is fine
cljs-devtools don’t work in advanced builds, but nothing is stopping people to leave them in preloads I guess
@darwin console formatters work, at least to some degree, though they are quite useless as most of objects anyway have mangled properties
@dnolen: my question still holds, how should we warn in cljs.closure? Print to stderr?
Gotcha, thanks
@juhoteperi: hmm interesting, several months ago I tested it under advanced mode, and this test would fail: maybe your cljs types have some formatting protocols?
Huh. Not sure. Anyway, I don't need console formatting with advanced builds, just something I noticed when I had accidentally had cljs-devtools enabled on adv build.
@dnolen just attached CLJS-1821-2.patch:
@anmonteiro thanks
@dnolen just found a regression in ClojureScript master wrt. the source-map
please hold off on the release, fixing it now
specifically because of this commit:
@anmonteiro thanks applied
@dnolen cool. now that I got you here, I think I found a bug in self-hosted where we don’t honor :reload
and reload-all
when requiring. this would be the fix:
I’ll attach it to a JIRA ticket, but wanted confirmation that it’s indeed a bug
@anmonteiro looks OK to me
@dnolen cool, creating a ticket + patch
so much goodness coming in this next version 💯
@juhoteperi let me know when you get a chance to rebase, it’s the only other thing I want to get into this release
Ah, doing now!
@dnolen Did you have any specific need for rebase? I just checked that it applies cleanly.
@juhoteperi oops, looks like my tree was dirty - yes it applies
@dnolen FWIW I’ve been running master ever since the “require without NS” commit
Tested with Boot-cljs both none and adv and working fine
And warning about :preloads
with advanced build worked 🙂