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I noticed that Quick Start hadn’t yet been updated to 1.7.228, so I updated the link and ran through the entirety of Quick Start to check for regressions. There are three things that I noticed: 1. The innocuous warnings from the Closure Compiler now appear to be gone, so perhaps we can nix that sentence. 2. The release build now makes a main.js that is 75K instead of the 80K listed in Quick Start (perhaps things improved?, or Quick Start is conservative?) 3. I’m sure this has happened to me before and is not a regression: Using Safari, in the bit of the instructions where it has you define hello/foo, require fails for me and I have to resort to :reload. Here is a transcript of this happening to me:

cljs.user=> (require '[hello-world.core :as hello])
cljs.user=> (hello/foo 2 3)
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
cljs.user=> (hello/foo 2 3)
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
cljs.user=> (require '[hello-world.core :as hello] :reload)
cljs.user=> (hello/foo 2 3)
I bet this is not a regression, but it would be interesting to see if it occurs for others.