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Jonathan Bennett02:12:00

I'm trying to use the github workflow from the hn program you posted, but I'm getting the following error and I don't know what's going on to cause it. Ideally, I'd like to be building the program so it can be downloaded and run on all 3 major platforms (Mac, Linux, Windows) from the github release page. This is literally the reason I originally switched from Common Lisp to Clojure because I could not, for the life of me, get a repeatable build of a GUI library in Common Lisp on Windows.

Jonathan Bennett02:12:19

Here's the link to the error I'm getting in the most recent attempt at running this build:

Jonathan Bennett03:12:42

Searching for that exact error message was less helpful than I had hoped. I think maybe it's trying to tell me it can't find a file named jpackage/common? But my knowledge of Java and its toolchain is limited to just beyond that required to pass the AP CSA test (which is still on Java8, and not even all of Java8), so I'm certain I'm wrong.

Jonathan Bennett06:12:21

I figured it out!