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Hello Folks! I am trying to build a UI that is updated with information that I receive from another service via file pipe. Ive gotten as far as creating a context that contains the updates from my external service and now I am trying to update the context with the messages as they come in. The project readme wasnt very clear on the use of fx/swap-context. Ive tried using it a few ways and have not been successful. Here is my context and update function (add-json-message):
;; simple permutation of json into label
(defn paint-message
{:fx/type :label
:text (json/write-str message)})
;; atomic global state for the UI
(def main-context (atom (fx/create-context
{:contacts []
:messages []}
(defn add-json-message
(fx/swap-context main-context conj :messages (paint-message obj)))
And heres my error:
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.util.concurrent.Future.get()" because "fut" is null
Can someone help clarify how to properly use swap-context?