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update: fixed (on master, not sure whether/when it will be deployed automatically)
@martinklepsch Search is broken, the backend obviously returns EDN instead of JSON, even though the response header reads content-type: application/json
. I am looking into it. The problem is here:
(cond-> context
(nil? (get-in context [:response :headers "Content-Type"]))
(update-in [:response] coerce-to content-type transformer'))
- we did set Content-Type for the search and thus coerce-to
is not triggered to transform the EDN to JSON. I guess the right thing is to not set the response type (we are lying now: we say json but send EDN) and let the negotation (with only json allowed) to figure it out. I will push a fix to master
ASAP. But we should check that we don't have the same problem elsewhere...Oh, interesting. I’ve tried curl
with the proper Accept header and it also returns EDN…
fix is on master. Will it autodeploy?
The header does not help - we used to set Content-Type at the bottom of the interceptor stack together with Clojure data. The cond->
above then just skips converting the data and they only get stringified.
It will autodeploy, yes
Your fix looks good, I like how the stuff you did with coerce-body
makes the code more concise there
@U0522TWDA curious what you think about this:
Oh and regarding deployment: each commit should have a tickmark/orange circle/red cross indicating CI/CD status
I followed and copied the <scm> in the pom.xml and replace laforge99 with SevereOverfl0w and aatree with high. I'm getting issues still
What's the simplest way for me to try and run a build locally (including git import) I've done 5 releases so far debugging this 😄 still marked as failing, even though that worked
Hah, I didn't even know you could force a rebuild!
I wonder if that was there when I was having similar problems before?
It’s been there for a looooong time
@dominicm there’s docs on how to run builds locally. Check the guide for library authors for a link to that