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Ítallo Rian21:03:30

Hey guys, I hope you're doing well. My name is Ítallo, I'm a developer... I wanted to clear up a doubt, how do I point the "clj-otel-api" locally, without using "com.github.steffan-westcott/clj-otel-api "0.1.5"", to test before uploading a fork


Include the dev alias when launching the REPL to use local source code rather than released modules. This is covered in the

Ítallo Rian23:03:24

@U2C6SPLDS but can i do it using docker?


Use whatever your normal development process provides for starting a REPL. Somewhere you need to specify what aliases to enable. For example, I use Cursive which has an aliases option as part of the run configuration.

Ítallo Rian21:03:16

I followed the documentation, I added a "dev" aliases with override-deps and I'm running lein for dev, but it doesn't work lol


From your other questions, it seems you do not need to be making changes to clj-otel . Instead, be sure to use the functionality it already provides.

👍 2