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Alexander Kouznetsov18:12:41

I’d like to propose this inline way of declaring hooks for macros:

(defmacro my-macro
  {:clj-kondo/hook 'my-hook-namespace/my-hook-name}
This way it is immediately visible how the macro is linted and moreover, cmd-click on the hook name (at least in calva) brings you immediately to the hook definition. Thoughts?

Alexander Kouznetsov18:12:56

We can detect whether it is analyze-call or macroexpand based on whether it is defined as a macro or as a function, but we could also add it to the inline tag to be explicit. :clj-kondo/macroexpand-hook 'my-hook-name as one option.


I don't know if this helps since you need to define those hooks in external files anyway. I don't like to introduce any ambiguity between analyze-call or macroexpand, macros can be handled with analyze-call as well

Alexander Kouznetsov19:12:48

What do you mean by external files? They’re in resources which are also part of the source code.


the idea of inline configs originated from someone who didn't like to write external files like .clj-kondo/config.edn but when you write hooks you need to add files in .clj-kondo/..../foo.clj_kondo anyway

Alexander Kouznetsov22:12:43

Is assert expected to work in clj-kondo hooks? I have some and they crash with error: No matching ctor found for class java.lang.AssertionError My code is (assert (vector? node)) in the analyze-call hook.

Noah Bogart00:12:20

I like to use namespaced keywords for custom hook errors: :splint/mismatched-diagnosis, etc

Noah Bogart00:12:12

We have roughly 15 custom linter keywords in my job’s codebase

Alexander Kouznetsov00:12:10

Nice, this worked!

🎉 2
Alexander Kouznetsov20:01:46

> maybe it’s better to use api/reg-finding! than assert though is there a good way to obtain row and col when it is used in a macroexpand hook? I tried it outside of a syntax quote like this:

(defmacro my-hook [source & body]
  (when-not (string? source) (api/reg-finding! (merge
                                                 (select-keys (meta source) [:row :col :end-row :end-col])
                                                 {:message "source must be string"
                                                  :type :type-mismatch
                                                  :level :error})
  `(let [xyz# ~source] ~@body))
but the error I’m seeing has no line number my_file.clj::: error: source must be string


> is there a good way to obtain row and col when it is used in a macroexpand hook? the row/col metadata should be available as metadata, at least on objects that can carry metadata

👍 1

if you e.g. pass a number, it's not there anymore


you could pass the metadata of the &form argument, which is the whole surrounding form

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Alexander Kouznetsov20:01:56

So there is no way to recover location of a number?


nope, (with-meta 1 {:row 1}) doesn't work

😢 1

you might be better off with an :analyze-call hook here

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