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clj-kondo version 2023.10.21-SNAPSHOT does not seem to support ignoring the :line-length linter. For a quick demonstration, use the following configuration

{:linters {:line-length {:max-line-length 80}}}
Then try linting the following namespace
(ns example)

#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:line-length]}
(def example "this line of code exceeds 80 characters but shouldn't cause warning")


can you create an issue?


I don’t have a GitHub account, sorry. I’ve attached a repro using the contents of my post above. It suffices to extract this into a folder then run lein clj-kondo --lint example.clj. The output is

example.clj:4:81: warning: Line is longer than 80 characters.
linting took 47ms, errors: 0, warnings: 1


I've found where I can add support for :flds, but I can't seem to find how to branch depending on the runtime. analyzer.clj isn't cljc so I can't just add conditionals using that. What would be the ideal way?


If there is a constants.cljc somewhere I could add supported-destructuring-shorthands there but I don't think there is one


Awesome! I won't be able to commit any code until the third week of January (super busy moving flats), but if you can point me the direction to read in the codebase / research, I'll be sure to do my homework