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John Doe07:12:23

Some random thoughts on the design of copy-config: so as more and more libs I'm adding to my deps.edn, many of those libs may contain its own clj-kondo resources, and as a downstream consumer, I find myself duplicating more and more the same lint config from upstream libs again and again? It feels kind of weird to me. Let's say if some library is popular, then it's clj-kondo lint edns all get copied and committed to various downstream library or app repos with the same unnecessary duplicates? Or does it make sense to do implicit use upstream lints if exists without need to explicit copy (unless need to override some rules)? Also how does other lints in other langs handle such problem? Do they also need to duplicate things this way?


The model right now is kind of that of node_modules where "dependency" config ends up in .clj-kondo. This is done for the reason that clj-kondo has no idea about your project/classpath and also it's faster to get the combined configuration from disk instead of having to construct a classpath every time.


I'm open to alternatives ideas to reduce the amount of copied files though, just don't know any better ones right now

John Doe10:12:13

Does it make sense to cache/copy the "dependency" to somewhere $home by default? Then there's no need to duplicate them in project dir


the configurations can differ per dependency so I think that's asking for trouble, since caching is in the top 2 hardest problems in computer science


One idea that might improve things is to copy configs into a subdirectory instead of straight into .clj-kondo, like .clj-kondo/imports such that you can gitignore .clj-kondo/imports or so

💡 2

and perhaps if imports is empty, a configurable command to populate the directory, such as clj-kondo --copy-configs "$(lein classpath)" or whatever


but this will also lead to "stale" imports if you add new dependencies


of course it could be cached using a hash etc, but this leads to extra complexity

John Doe11:12:51

I like the .clj-kondo/imports idea 🙂. not sure how other people thinks. There's a consensus where things need to get commited or ignored.