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I have a ClojureScript library that defines a macro in src/portfolio/react.clj , and some cljs functions in src/portfolio/react.cljs. People typically use it like so: (require [portfolio.react :refer-macros [defscene]]) (code is here btw: / The macro has optional parts, but can look like this:

(d/defcomponent SideEffecty
  :key value
Is there any way I can provide some config, metadata or other in the library that will help clj-kondo understand this macro in projects that depend on the library? Ideally it'd understand both that SideEffecty is being defined, and that data is a binding.


Yep. On phone right now but take a look at lint-as + catch-all in the docs


The other option for recognizing the binding requires a hook, see


Cool, thanks. Can I ship these with the library somehow? If it's covered in the docs I'll find it 😅


Very cool 🙏 Thanks again, and sorry for not responding - I overstretched a little 😅

Sam Ritchie15:10:39

You can also remove the refer-macros requirement -

Sam Ritchie15:10:49

And then your users can use :refer or just the alias from require without treating the macro in a special way


Wow, interesting. Am I understanding this right, that the cljs-part of the cljc-file will effectively be merged with the same-named cljs file?

Sam Ritchie17:10:28

@U9MKYDN4Q sorry my example here is slightly confusing — in this case I am using a single cljc file instead of separate clj and cljs files

Sam Ritchie17:10:40

so for your example you would have to add that form to your cljs file only