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Thayanne Sousa15:10:44

Hello! Is there a field to specify a docs url for the linter/hook to show it along with lint message? Or the only way to do it is to add the link in the :message field?


There's no special field for it

Thayanne Sousa15:10:28

Wdyt about something adding it as an optional field? Linters like have support for this The message could be a hyperlink to it, or at the ending of the finding we can add a hyperlink “Docs”


@U04CT70C8CU Interesting idea. Where would this link be displayed, or just in the data output?

Thayanne Sousa16:10:04

I think in the data output, along with the message


You mean in a hook right?


What happens if you simply feed a :doc key to reg-finding!?