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Hi there! I'm using :discouraged-var for a specific project, but somehow if I add the :level :error it still detects as warning. I tried to change to :level :off just to be sure that it turns the whole warning off, and indeed it does... am I doing something wrong?


Will look tomorrow


Great, thanks a lot! 🙂


hey, not sure if there's a better tool or method here but: given a file test.edn

[:a :b]
[:c :d]
how can I "lint" this (with clj-kondo maybe) to warn that the [:c :d] part will be thrown away if say I do
=> (-> "test.edn" slurp clojure.edn/read-string)
[:a :b]
(based on a true story...)


The data by itself does not constitute an error, if you read this in a loop using a reader it will work

👍 2