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Mateusz Mazurczak08:06:48

When I do: clj-kondo --lint . it finds 0 warnings But when I do it on specific directory like: clj-kondo --lint bb/ It finds the warning. Same when I do it on specific file that the warning should be in: clj-kondo --lint bb/src/core.clj It finds warning. Any idea why?

Mateusz Mazurczak08:06:28

馃槥 Any idea how to debug it? When I do clj-kondo --debug it prints the namespace, so it is scanned. And I'm on the newest clj-kondo version

Mateusz Mazurczak08:06:43

clj-kondo v2023.05.26


can you make a small repro as a github repo, then I could try it locally

Mateusz Mazurczak09:06:42

Okay we've found the error. The problem is we had: bb/src/core.clj docker_images/gha/src/core.clj And that was causing the issue that there were two files with the same namespace.

Mateusz Mazurczak09:06:09

There was no warning that the same namespace was defined twice from clj-kondo


Not sure if it's a good idea yet, but how would people feel if clj-kondo supported this:

(defn foo [^:clj-kondo/long x] (inc x))
(foo "foo") ;; type error
It seems those hints can live aside normal type hints like ^String ^:clj-kondo/string x


Interesting. What is the problem this is supposed to solve?


getting more type errors through static analysis. but having these annotations littered over your code might not be so nice


And what's the benefit of these over normal type hints?


well, ^String technically means nullable string, since the string may be null


and writing :clj-kondo/list might be a bit nicer than ^java.util.List x


Are type hints like that or presence of destructuring already used as input to clj-kondo?


oooh, good to know


鉂わ笍 2

since september 2019 or so ;)

馃檲 2

"presence of destructuring" not sure what you meant with this. presence of destructuring doesn't mean that the input it always a map, since technically it's safe to call get on anything


That鈥檚 true, but I personally never use destructuring when I would want to put something else there. So I think I would appreciate the possibility of using this information on my projects when I make a mistake. For instance I would consider it a bug if I feed a string to something where I am using destructuring

馃憤 2

So this could serve as additional metadata to narrow the requirements for an argument?

馃憤 2

Sounds similar to what one would use spec or malli for, for example


Yes. You can already use malli to accomplish the same. But not everybody wants to bring in malli or something else to their libraries


Perhaps a more general library agnostic scheme could also be useful, that malli and clj-kondo and .. could agree upon.


Is it decided how clj-kondo would handle cases where there are multiple specifications are present from #{type-hint malli clj-kondo ...}?


It does sound like this would have its uses


@U08BJGV6E malli + clj-kondo just works because malli emits the clj-kondo configuration on disk which clj-kondo then uses. clj-kondo doesn't know anything about malli


Oh I see

Noah Bogart14:06:00

i'm struggling to find in the docs, my apologies if it's obvious: how do i tell clj-kondo that a given cljc file will only be used in clj and bb, and NOT cljs?


{:cljc {:features #{:clj :bb}}}


it will actually only use known features, so it will also skip bb unfortunately, this is still work in progress

Noah Bogart14:06:12

is that what this error message is about?

src/noahtheduke/splint/utils.cljc:0:0: error: Can't parse src/noahtheduke/splint/utils.cljc, No matching clause: :bb [:syntax]



馃憤 2

this is on the top of my things to improve


since it will also be useful for clojuredart, etc

Noah Bogart14:06:54

yeah, for sure. no rush from me, this is an easy fix


yeah, this might be useful for cljdoc static analysis (wip) too, for, like you say clojuredart, clr, etc.