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before I try to repro more carefully... is there any particular reason why :lint-as would not work? I still see unresolved-symbol within the defn, and unresolved var for the produced var ...I've used lint-as lots in the past, fairly sure I'm not doing sth dumb 😸 (and I cleaned the cache for good measure)


hard to tell without an example / repro :)


sure, I was looking for something like "it has so-and-so edge case / limitation" this is a private codebase


the only reason that comes to mind that it might be a configuration typo


or the custom defn is not like the original defn syntactically


> or the custom defn is not like the original defn syntactically (edited) that was it! it was almost like a defn, except for a nuance. clj-kondo.lint-as/def-catch-all fits better than defn .

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