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I'm aiming for a new release on Wednesday. If you can, take a look at these changelogs and try out the master version: There are a couple new interesting linters in there.

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Noah Bogart20:10:31

what's the best way to run master as my primary "clj-kondo"?


@UEENNMX0T do you mean, in your editor or in CI / command line?

Noah Bogart20:10:37

command line, as that's simplest and I rely on clj-kondo bundled with clojure-lsp in my editor


I run clj-kondo separately from clojure-lsp in my editor so I can always run the latest (this is especially convenient when developing clj-kondo)

👍 1

to get the master version, you could just download it from CI


or build it yourself


let me know if you have any questions about this

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Noah Bogart21:10:29

I forgot that CI builds the artifacts, so I've downloaded one

Noah Bogart21:10:48

Found one thing, I'll thread it

Noah Bogart21:10:58

$ echo "(defn a ([b] (inc b)))" | ~/Downloads/clj-kondo-2022.09.09-SNAPSHOT-linux-static-amd64/clj-kondo --lint - --config '{}'
<stdin>:1:1: error: clojure.core/defn is called with 2 args but expects 3 or more
linting took 6ms, errors: 1, warnings: 0


Could you submit an issue for that?

👍 1

Thanks for finding it


This was already an issue with the previous release?

Noah Bogart21:10:58

Yeah, it seems so. I ran it with master, then ran it with latest release. Doesn’t happen with 2022.08.03


ok, good to know, thanks

Noah Bogart15:10:41

i feel foolish, this was a cache issue. Looks like even tho I was relying on --config {}, i should have said --cache false to ensure a clean slate. Running this in other directories shows the error isn't happening.


ok, so the issue can be closed?

Noah Bogart15:10:17

Yeah, I closed the issue already, posted a similar message there


One thing less for me to do tomorrow :)

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I'm trying to run a script I wrote in clojure that uses kondo's analysis in CI. I'm wondering if anyone has any tips for tuning it? I'm running into an issue where if I set the max heap size to 1g or under, I get the following:

 "Execution error (OutOfMemoryError) at clj-kondo.impl.core/format-vars$fn (core.clj:564).\nGC overhead limit exceeded\n",
 {:clojure.error/class java.lang.OutOfMemoryError,
  :clojure.error/line 564,
  :clojure.error/cause "GC overhead limit exceeded",
  :clojure.error/symbol clj-kondo.impl.core/format-vars$fn,
  :clojure.error/source "core.clj",
  :clojure.error/phase :execution},
however if i set the heap higher, e.g. 2g, it gets killed by the host
=> Analyzing sources: ["/home/circleci/app"] ..../util/ line 5: 18171 Killed                  clojure -J-Xmx2g -Sdeps "$DEPS" -M util/mulch/main.clj "$@"


this is with :analysis true, which i'm guessing is what's generating all the memory


It’s probably best to batch only 10 or 100 (variable, try) dirs or jars at a time


This is what lsp also does