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Drew Verlee15:08:12

I see there is work on add what looks like some default linting for compojure But it doesn't seem on by default, and i'm not seeing how i enable it. the GET macro is still reporting errors:

Drew Verlee15:08:36

add this to the clj-kondo config will ignore it i hope

Drew Verlee15:08:01

:linters {unresolved-symbol {:exclude [(compojure.api.sweet/GET) ]}} looks like no one built a custom hook, i don't plan on doing it either.


That isn't composure though

Drew Verlee15:08:29

the require is [compojure.api.sweet :as sw]


Yeah, that is not compojure


That is whatever that sweet api thing built on compojure is

Drew Verlee15:08:16

apologies for the confusion, when i google "compojure" the first thing that comes up is compojure-api and the hello world is (require '[compojure.api.sweet :refer :all]) so i was considering it compojure. because it has the name compojure in it.

Drew Verlee15:08:38

should have said "compojure.api.sweet"

hiredman15:08:39 is what you are using, is what is being referred to as compojure in that commit

Drew Verlee15:08:21

err maybe i was googling for compojure api, thanks for the clarification.


it was an unfortunate choice of name they went with


fortunate for them, good for marketing their new (at the time) library, unfortunate for the community now having two easily confusable library names

Drew Verlee16:08:53

is there a way to exclude an entire namespace, that i don't control, from being linted?

Drew Verlee16:08:59

looks like regex might be supported


if you don't control the namespace, why do you care about linting results for that one?

Drew Verlee16:08:27

my project has a multiple namespaces that require [compojure.api.sweet :as sw] ideally it would be properly linted, but i'm not sure i's worth taking the time to do, so i'm looking for a way to quickly ignore everything from that namespace so it's easier to see other more important/better error reporting. This is working but it's obviously not comprehensive.

{:unresolved-symbol {:exclude

Drew Verlee16:08:51

by "dont' control" i mean, i can't change the namespace that contains the macro. I though that might be relevant to understanding my options.


you can use :output {:exclude-files ["regex"]}

๐Ÿ‘€ 1
Drew Verlee17:08:17

can you have multiple config.edn's in your project's .clj-kondo directory? it looks like i "somehow" (lsp?) added a /.clj-kondo/prismatic/schema/config.edn


@drewverlee This happens when you extract configurations from dependencies. They are included automatically

๐Ÿ‘ 1
Drew Verlee18:08:44

thats what i was hoping happened. ty tyt.

Cora (she/her)20:08:23

hmmm seems like flycheck-clj-kondo is picking the wrong directory to look for the .clj-kondo directory

Cora (she/her)20:08:15

I guess that might be flycheck itself being weird



Cora (she/her)20:08:40



flycheck runs over a file while setting the current working directory to the file's parent. clj-kondo then searches for the .clj-kondo directory from that directory to the top and takes the first one that it finds

Cora (she/her)20:08:19

so if the file is /foo/bar/baz.clj it would first check /foo/bar/.clj-kondo then /foo/.clj-kondo then /.clj-kondo?

Cora (she/her)20:08:39

something is fucky then because it's skipping the deeper-nested .clj-kondo and going one directory up

Cora (she/her)20:08:56

I use doom emacs so it could very well be something doom is doing

Cora (she/her)20:08:00

I'm looking deeper into it


I'll be asleep now and will check back tomorrow

Cora (she/her)21:08:00

thanks! sleep well ๐Ÿ™‚

Cora (she/her)21:08:45

ok, it's using lsp for clj-kondo and that's finding the wrong project root