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Is that the Atom package? Then maybe @seancorfield knows, or @gerred


@dave.dixon I've never seen timeout errors with Atom and clj-kondo.


(and I use Atom + Chlorine + REBL + linter-kondo all day, every day on a 100k line codebase)


I haven't had time to maintain it as of late with everything going on...if you open an issue and can identify what's going on, I'm happy to make you a maintainer @dave.dixon (or @seancorfield, not that you needm ore to do ;))


If it breaks and you're no longer around, having maintainer rights would certainly be useful 🙂 Otherwise, I don't think I'd have time to add that to my list of projects.


I've never seen it before now, new install on Linux. I'll get the exact error from the console.


maybe the clj-kondo binary itself is not installed yet or not on the path?


clj-kondo is on the path. It was working intermittently. I just did a full restart, maybe that will clear it up, haven't seen the timeout so far.


Spoke too soon. Here's the error from the console:

[Linter] Error running linter-kondo Error: Process execution timed out
    at /home/dave/.atom/packages/linter-kondo/node_modules/sb-exec/lib/index.js:89
(anonymous) @ /home/dave/.atom/packages/linter/lib/linter-registry.js:154


I increased the lint-on-change interval in the linter package. I think the default 300ms is probably too low, and that may have been the source of the timeout.


Hmm, maybe clj-kondo got slower, or your machine got slower? 😉


Don't know. It's a fresh linux install. Increasing the interval didn't actually solve the problem in the end. I'm having a vague hunch the problem may be something about the generic linter package, rather than specific to clj-kondo.