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i was thinking it would help to get people to try the feature out -- not too keen on having to write the annotations from scratch, but may be the barrier-to-entry might be sufficiently low if all i needed to do was edit some generated things 🙂 he he -- just being lazy
Yeah, spec provider might be used to generate an initial config. This can be a third party tool outside of clj-kondo
i wonder if it's practical to generate the annotations for clj-kondo from at least some types of existing specs
may be there's a way to automate getting part-way there -- and fill the rest in with core.logic? i can dream, can't i 🙂
👋 Just wanted to expand on the success story @marc-omorain mentioned: This is an extracted code sample that represents what i actually had
(defn- make-api-call
"Separate the logic from the call mechanism, even though there's only one call"
[{:keys [api path body tags]}]
(let [metric-result (promise)
metric-status (promise)]
(let [{:keys [status]}
(clj-http.client/post ""
{:form-params body})]
(deliver metric-status status)
(deliver metric-result :ok))
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo ex
(let [data (ex-data ex)]
(when-let [status (:status data)]
(deliver metric-status status)
(deliver metric-result :http-error)
(throw (ex-info "request failed"
(merge data {:api api
:type :http})
(deliver metric-result)
(throw ex)))
(catch ex
(deliver metric-result :io-error)
(throw (ex-info "connection failed"
{:api api
:type :transport}
(catch Throwable ex
(deliver metric-result :error)
(throw ex)))))
and this is the error clj-kondo found that i’d overlooked
error: wrong number of args (1) passed to clojure.core/deliver
My tests didn’t exercise that path, because it probably shouldn’t ever happen in practice.This is the slide I've made out of it. Have to keep it brief, because I have only 20 minutes, so I'm going to mention it in passing.
on a different note, is this scenario something that kondo could/should catch?
(deftest does-some-stuff
(testing "it does-some-stuff"
(let [path "resources/test/some/stuff"]
(= (keywordize-keys (yaml/parse-string (slurp (str path "/config.yml"))))
(do-stuff path {:parameters {:option false}})))))
yeah, it could. right now it only catches that if you use the predicate directly under deftest, but it could be made more intelligent
clj-kondo v2019.09.22-alpha ✨ Type checking and more.