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Is anyone doing flow charts or activity diagrams (say in plantuml) in clerk? I'm wondering if the easiest way is to just make the png file and then show it as a graphic.

Daniel Craig16:09:33

I haven't tried this but I'm curious to see how you could do it

Daniel Craig16:09:07

inline svg's are pretty nice to work with with reagent, that's been my experience at least. I haven't tried it with clerk

Daniel Craig16:09:29

not sure whether reagent is really available from clerk so I might be off topic

Daniel Craig16:09:29

I'm a bit of a noob, though. I'm not really sure if you really need reagent to do inline svg's, or if that's more on the hiccup side. Like I said, kind of a noob


I think there’s a mermaid viewer?


hiccup svg also just works via clerk/html


or an svg string

Daniel Craig16:09:56

Oh cool so yeah, an svg using hiccup would be the route I would go with this


thx for the reminder about mermaid


I've got an image working, but I think it might be tricky to ship as a html (not tried yet though)


+1 on preferring SVG when it can be made to work

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makes me keep coming back to wanting more built with thing.geom

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I'm building with thing.geom. Definitely enjoying it. Unsure how well it will hold since I want to do a lot of interactivity.

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do you have any examples you can share?


It's a super baby project but I am happy to chat and add you to the repo if it makes sense. I'll shift to dm.

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