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is there a version of ^::clerk/sync that forces re-rendering in the browser when the atom is changed in the JVM?

Sam Ritchie15:03:21

I think that is supposed to happen already

Sam Ritchie15:03:31

could be a regression


I’m trying this example and it looks like the call to clerk/recompute! is necessary to make it update


No actually it’s not!

Sam Ritchie15:03:52

it should be updating the reagent atom on the client side whenever the server side changes

💯 2
Sam Ritchie16:03:09

so any reagent component in a viewer where you deref the synced atom should update


thanks for confirming the intended behaviour, I think I’m misusing it somehow, but it’s still unclear how 🙂

Sam Ritchie16:03:13

can you perhaps provide a repro?


narrowing down a bit…