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Are there any known issues with declaring protocols in a file you want to show with clerk? With this code:

(ns clerk-debug)

(defprotocol Test
  (hello [this]))
In a fresh repl:
(require '[nextjournal.clerk :as clerk])
(clerk/serve! {:browse? true})
 (clerk/show! "src/clerk_debug.clj")
I'm getting the following error: I can open an issue if desired


what version is this? Can you try if it reproduces with main?


and maybe move the stacktrace to this thread if you don’t mind


The version is: io.github.nextjournal/clerk {:mvn/version "0.12.707"}


Oh awesome thanks!


>> Also discovered cases where classes instead of symbols could end up in the dependency graph and introduced normalization to symbols.


can you try a git dep on this project or is it using lein?


Yup bumping the dep to the current git sha fixed it, thanks!


Here's the stacktrace for future searchability:

#error {
 :cause "class java.lang.Class cannot be cast to class clojure.lang.Symbol (java.lang.Class is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap'; clojure.lang.Symbol is in unnamed module of loader 'app')"
 [{:type java.lang.ClassCastException
   :message "class java.lang.Class cannot be cast to class clojure.lang.Symbol (java.lang.Class is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap'; clojure.lang.Symbol is in unnamed module of loader 'app')"
   :at [clojure.core$ns_resolve invokeStatic "core.clj" 4370]}]
 [[clojure.core$ns_resolve invokeStatic "core.clj" 4370]
  [clojure.core$ns_resolve invokeStatic "core.clj" 4360]
  [clojure.core$resolve invokeStatic "core.clj" 4373]
  [clojure.core$resolve invoke "core.clj" 4373]
  [nextjournal.clerk.analyzer$symbol__GT_jar invokeStatic "analyzer.clj" 360]
  [nextjournal.clerk.analyzer$symbol__GT_jar invoke "analyzer.clj" 359]
  [nextjournal.clerk.analyzer$find_location invokeStatic "analyzer.clj" 381]
  [nextjournal.clerk.analyzer$find_location invoke "analyzer.clj" 375]
  [clojure.core$group_by$fn__8597 invoke "core.clj" 7224]
  [clojure.core.protocols$iter_reduce invokeStatic "protocols.clj" 49]
  [clojure.core.protocols$fn__8230 invokeStatic "protocols.clj" 75]
  [clojure.core.protocols$fn__8230 invoke "protocols.clj" 75]
  [clojure.core.protocols$fn__8178$G__8173__8191 invoke "protocols.clj" 13]
  [clojure.core$reduce invokeStatic "core.clj" 6886]
  [clojure.core$group_by invokeStatic "core.clj" 7214]
  [clojure.core$group_by invoke "core.clj" 7214]
  [nextjournal.clerk.analyzer$build_graph invokeStatic "analyzer.clj" 411]
  [nextjournal.clerk.analyzer$build_graph invoke "analyzer.clj" 398]
  [nextjournal.clerk.eval$_PLUS_eval_results invokeStatic "eval.clj" 218]
  [nextjournal.clerk.eval$_PLUS_eval_results invoke "eval.clj" 215]
  [nextjournal.clerk$show_BANG_ invokeStatic "clerk.clj" 58]
  [nextjournal.clerk$show_BANG_ invoke "clerk.clj" 23]
  [user$eval24836 invokeStatic "NO_SOURCE_FILE" 1]
  [user$eval24836 invoke "NO_SOURCE_FILE" 1]
  [clojure.lang.Compiler eval "" 7194]
  [clojure.lang.Compiler eval "" 7149]
  [clojure.core$eval invokeStatic "core.clj" 3215]
  [clojure.core$eval invoke "core.clj" 3211]
  [clojure.main$repl$read_eval_print__9206$fn__9209 invoke "main.clj" 437]
  [clojure.main$repl$read_eval_print__9206 invoke "main.clj" 437]
  [clojure.main$repl$fn__9215 invoke "main.clj" 458]
  [clojure.main$repl invokeStatic "main.clj" 458]
  [clojure.main$repl_opt invokeStatic "main.clj" 522]
  [clojure.main$main invokeStatic "main.clj" 667]
  [clojure.main$main doInvoke "main.clj" 616]
  [clojure.lang.RestFn invoke "" 397]
  [clojure.lang.AFn applyToHelper "" 152]
  [clojure.lang.RestFn applyTo "" 132]
  [clojure.lang.Var applyTo "" 705]
  [clojure.main main "" 40]]}


good to hear!


if you’re using custom viewers on this project you might need to fully qualify render fns


plan to make the migration easier before cutting a release


Cool, thanks for the heads up