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Currently a clerk viewer does not have an "id". It is just a map of 3 functions. I suppose that at a certain moment tooling comes up, which should allow to "select" a Clerk viewer. I started with such tooling for Cider. Such tooling would need to be able to select viewers based on some form of id. @mkvlr Have you thought about this more concrete ? Some viewers have a :name and some have a symbol, but none of this is "mandatory".
what are your needs exactly? I don’t think you’ll want to offer the full to choose from, or do you?
Maybe indeed the full list...
I work on some Cider - inspector feature
which would in some form to ask the user interactively "which viewer to use" and then attach the clerk specific metadata on a "value" on the fly and tap
this (and I use Clerk tap inspector to show it)
This does work "In principle"., see here for some emacs lisp code.
I cannot see this working without having viewers a "unique id" (and which should be "human readable", so that user can see "what type of data" the viewer will likely work with...
This might not work for all situations , but for quite some.
Additionally I would like that the "options" can be dynamically requested, insteada of being a fixed list. (which does work, in principle)
It is just not "clear" if and which viewers have a ":name" vs "a symbol" vs being a var
I would therefore think as well that viewers should have "inside a running Clerk" a guaranteed unique id...
I can only say that this is "very convenient" for Emacs users.
I can drill down to any complex data structure with cider-inspector
and send the "current value" to Clerk tap inspector for "rich rendering" (and Emacs asks me on teh fly on "which renderer" and atahced on-the-fly the metadata accordingly the teh value
So this is "Clerk usage without any notebook", via Clerk tap Inspector
(so maybe we need some viewer metadata of which viewer make sense), agree.
My "examples", would be clearly: :html :vega-lite :latex (... hmm String will not work ...) and several "not build in", like: "cytoscope" and others "from the community"....
would be best if you used the symbol nextjournal.clerk.viewer/,,,-viewer
names consistently
some stuff like nextjournal.clerk.viewer/string-viewer
doesn’t make sense imo. When would you ever want to manually select such a viewer?
also default
maybe doesn’t make sense? If you want default, you can just use the normal tap?
Maybe I did not paste the most recent version of the example. I have this function in my emacs config, which does work:
(defun clerk-get-current-viewers ()
(require 'nextjournal.clerk)
(map :name)
(remove nil?))
;; Call while in `cider-inspector` to show current value in Clerk after a viewer is selected
(defun cider-inspector-tap-current-val-with-clerk-viewer (viewer)
(list (completing-read "Choose viewer: " (clerk-get-current-viewers)
nil t)))
(setq cider-inspector--current-repl (cider-current-repl))
;; pick some random name, which hopeuflly is never used...
(when-let* ((ns "user")
(var-name "cider-inspector-temp-hdhsad-hbjdbasjd842342")
(value (cider-sync-request:inspect-def-current-val ns var-name)))
(let ((tapped-form (concat "(clojure.core/->> "
(concat ns "/" var-name)
(if (equal ":default" viewer)
(concat " (nextjournal.clerk/with-viewer {:transform-fn identity})")
(if (string-prefix-p ":" viewer)
(concat " (nextjournal.clerk/with-viewer " "(keyword \"" (substring viewer 1) "\")" ")")
(concat " (nextjournal.clerk/with-viewer " "(symbol \"" viewer "\")" ")"))
" (clojure.core/tap>))")))
(cider-interactive-eval tapped-form
(message "%s#'%s/%s = %s" cider-eval-result-prefix ns var-name value)))
cider is missing a "inspect-tap-current-value" , so I need this ugly workarround for now, to define a var and then tap> that one. A PR for cider is on teh way to change this.
It would be nice if I could indeed "filter" the viewers which make sense. So we needed some "viewer metadata", not sre in which form. Why does :html make sense and :string not ? I can see your point, what I am doubting is what differentiates "usefull from not usefull" ?
and how can I get "user supplied viewers" into my "list" ? They won' have a symbol, will they ? (at least not in ns nextjournal.clerk.viewer)
It seems that I am asking for a runtime "viewer registry" which is more dynamic then be based on symbols and vars in code.
makes sense because interpreting a vector or a string as html / hiccup isn’t the default. Whereas if you ask Clerk to display a string, it will use the string-viewer
I would recommend to start with something simple, pick a few viewers that make sense. The public minus the notebook-viewer should be a reasonable starting set, so: • html-viewer • markdown-viewer • plotly-viewer • vega-lite-viewer • table-viewer • row-viewer • col-viewer • katex-viewer • code-viewer And give folks the ability to customize this set from Emacs and you’re good.
So you would advise against a dynamic list ?
In any case, Cider will never have this.
Cider will , as I understood gain a function to simply "tap" the current value of the inspector.
All the rest is "customization" via advise
outside Cider, which make sense to me. this?
yes, definitely an option. I will keep this in my had, once the cider functionality is there.