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and it seems to be spending all the time in clara.rules.engine$retract_accumulated.invoke()
I'll spend some time trimming the example down to a bare bones app I can put in a gist
the gist can be found here:
when making this I noticed that the 2 million case is not exactly the same as 2x 1 million, because of how the attributes are randomly generated
however 1x 2 million tweaked to have the same overlap in consent as 2x 1 million still goes an order of magnitude faster
I know clara doesn't deduplicate facts, but I think in this case that would prevent me from running into this scenario
I will take a look. It may be about an hour or so though. Doing a few other things at the moment.
It seems like these collections created via acc/distinct
would be fairly large. Also, there are many of them after the first 1mil facts. There’d be a big acc/distinct
collection associated with each personId + purpose grouped Consent facts. When the next 1mil facts come in, I believe they will contribute to many (or perhaps even all) of those same big collections.
The work from the first 1 mil facts is stored in working memory. Clara builds the new collections on the 2nd wave of inserts. It then must remove the old accumulated work it did from working memory - in order to replace it with the updates.
I think the fact that there are many of these large collections in working memory is making it get really expensive to remove them all from working memory. Clara tries to be efficient in finding and removing things in memory. I think huge collections may be a pitfall.
I’d like to look a little deeper at it, but haven’t been able to yet. I’m not sure what a reasonable workaround may be, other than inserting everything in one batch (as you’ve found).
we probably won’t see this amount of massive updates in a real life scenario, and if it does (say a big data migration), we can always consider starting from scratch
it was a bit surprising that updating these structures is a lot more expensive than creating them
I need to look deeper at what is happening to have a stronger sense of what could be done
I’ve logged for this @mikerod @wdullaer , I’d suggest that we post findings there when we have them
From the snapshot it looks like the memory is the bottleneck, which isn’t too surprising. From my first glance over it I suspect there are some performance optimizations we can make for cases like this, but it may be a bit before I have time to write my thoughts down in a sufficiently articulate form. The benchmark and snapshot are really helpful and make diagnosing things like this much easier - thanks for that. It is useful to have benchmarks of realistic rule patterns that stress-test Clara.