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I wonder if someone from CircleCI could respond to this one (maybe @marc-omorain?). As you know, Cljdoc makes use of CircleCI when analyzing library APIs (much ♥️ CircleCI!). We, but I stumbled upon Would you like Cljdoc to switch to the CircleCI has been very generous to embrace Cljdoc’s usage of CircleCI, we’d hate to be annoying you by continued use of a truly deprecated API.

❤️ 3
Marc O'Morain20:07:59

We love cljdoc and are more than happy to help out. The v1 API won’t be going away any time soon. I wouldn’t bother upgrading unless you have a real need.

❤️ 6
Marc O'Morain20:07:57

And if you ever want help with the API please @ us here in the channel. Having some of our junior engineers help out with y’all would be great on-boarding material for us.


Thanks @marc-omorain! I am happy to upgrade to v2 if it makes life easier for CircleCI. But... if there is no need, I am also happy to not upgrade to v2. simple_smile