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Hi. When running lein repl :headless :host :port 7888 and cider-connecting to it, I'm observing a gradual degradation of my emacs gc performance. This degradation also worsens the overall emacs performance to the point of caret hiccups during source code editing. Running (garbage-collect) manually reports:

((conses      16 5948358 2145018) 
 (symbols     48   38825    1407) 
 (strings     32 2983633  354261) 
 (string-bytes 1        27167350) 
 (vectors     16           81894) 
 (vector-slots 8 2161338 2199718) 
 (floats       8     994    2718) 
 (intervals   56  741518    5027) 
 (buffers     984             23))

... done (0.320s)
Closing the cider-repl buffer solves the problem:
((conses      16 776188 3985051) 
 (symbols     48 38825     1407) 
 (strings     32 235051  116892) 
 (string-bytes 1        6535738) 
 (vectors     16          73567) 
 (vector-slots 8 2100295 946825) 
 (floats       8     853   2859) 
 (intervals   56    6263  20202) 
 (buffers    984             21))

... done (0.086s)
and makes emacs smooth again. It looks like it's about conses and string-bytes. The same behavior happens for ClojureScript projects. Emacs version 30.0.50, linuxmint 21. My gc settings:
(setq gc-cons-threshold    (* 80 1024 1024))
(setq gc-cons-percentage              0.33)
(setq read-process-output-max (* 1024 1024))
It's not a new problem for me; it got me to the point of using emacs with jemalloc like: LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ emacs --daemon This makes the overall experience a little better - the emacs process consumes much less memory (currently reaching 300 MB; previously, it could be even over 500). Does anybody here know what the issue may be about? Thanks in advance for any help.


Anyway, how quickly does it degrade for practical purposes? Hours? Days?


After an hour or two, it's already noticeable.


Wow :o Does it happen even for a small, empty project?


It happens for non-empty projects, but I haven't checked for (almost) the empty ones. Nevertheless, it looks like it isn't related to any whole-project static analysis. I don't use the language server. But I think (it's only my intuition) that it may have something to do with copying/pasting structures of Clojure code, or with flycheck analysis - I'm using flycheck with clj-kondo.


You could try a 'bisect' by disabling flycheck and possibly other elements