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Ovi Stoica05:01:38

Hello! Is there a way to have the output that is printed in the repl be wrapped when it exceeds buffer width? I searched through the docs but there was no mention of this, best I found was limiting the history Any ideas? I left here cider (emacs) vs cursive (intellij)

Ovi Stoica06:01:36

I found cider-pprint-eval-last-sexp and works for my use-case

πŸ‘ 1

I'm trying to keep Cider REPL process alive while switching from a project to a library it uses to make some changes there, but face some problems when running tests in library file (deftests written in same file as code). I find that cider-test-run-loaded-tests loses track of what tests are loaded for library file after I switch REPL namespace from project ns to a library ns with cider-repl-set-ns and load the library file including it's deftests with cider-load-buffer. After that running cider-test-run-loaded-tests gives "No assertions (or no tests) were run. Did you forget to use β€˜is’ in your tests?", while I can still run specific deftests in the library file at point with cider-test-run-test or use (run-tests *ns*). Everything works as expected after restarting Cider from the library ns and loading buffer again.


Hmmm, isn't this just that cider-test-run-loaded-tests looks for tests in the current project? We don't scan all the namespaces in the classpath for files with :test metadata - would be bit of an anti-feature (as more often than not, would run undesired tests) Edit: I'm wrong, there's cider-test-run-loaded-tests and cider-test-run-project-tests . Issue welcome