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I’m trying out the cider-log functionality (using logback in my project)… should I be seeing things in *cider-log* buffer after adding appender? I’m not seeing anything there, but if I add a consumer, the logs are written to the REPL buffer as input (running CIDER 1.13.0-snapshot)


logback is supported, yes (not all frameworks are) Please create an issue with your attempt and we'll follow up!


I’m trying to understand what the appender should be doing… any things I should check on my end to include in a ticket?


if I enable nrepl message logging, I’m not seeing anything log related coming thru from clj->emacs

👍 1

tried by running ( "hello") and I see that eval request and responses, but nothing else


> if I enable nrepl message logging, I’m not seeing anything log related coming thru from clj->emacs Yeah it should... please create the issue even if not incredibly detailed - most of all I'm interested in your environment + how did you attempt to use it (i.e. possible documentation issue)


issue in the logjam project?




@U11SJ6Q0K After an appender is attached it captures the log events. To see them either "Search log events" (with es in the transient menu) or run M-x cider-log-event-search which will show the events in the *cider-log* buffer. This will add a log consumer to *cider-log* and further events will appear there. You can add a log consumer to other buffers, but that's for special cases. You typically don't add a consumer to your REPL buffer or source code buffers.


thank you, that was also in the issue… I should have read it more carefully, it isn’t obvious from the cider-log UI itself that you need to run search for it to start showing things


at least it wasn’t for me

Drew Verlee21:11:50

Is there something that turns a let into a defn with all the left let bindings as params and all the right left bindings as arguments to a call to the function (possible inside a comment block?) i find myself doing this all the time once i'm ready to promote my scratch code to a function. If not, ill look into making it. I just feel like it might exist in lsp or cljr and i'm just missing it. Or i'm not seeing how it would be impossible or irrational.

Drew Verlee04:12:32

That's what i was thinking too, thanks.


clojure-lsp has extract-function code action as well: