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Cross-posting for visibility after reading the last message: > nREPL [...] it ends up with [an empty] environment instead of the [one] that came with the origin buffer. [...] envrc has some machinery to patch the appropriate inheritance into other packages, now I just need to find the right place in CIDER to make that environment propagation happen.



gratitude-thank-you 1
Felix Dorner20:11:14

Anyone has a feeling for how stable ob-clojure for org mode is? I want to use it more, but unsure.. Since I started with cider… I use less org mode and just use comment blocks like org-mode-light, which is very nice, but still I’d like to combine them both for that ultimate feeling.


I think it should be fairly stable as it doesn't use much of CIDER's API.


(that being said - I've never used it much myself)

Felix Dorner18:11:57

I just saw yesterday after posting this a video about someone using clerk, which sounds also interesting. Will consider both again.


Hey ho! Thanks for the new releases!🎉 Does usage of mean cider-nrepl min clojure version is now intentionally 1.10?


hmm, our CI has a matrix that intends to support 1.8 but in circle we set VERSION, which our makefile expects as CLOJURE_VERSION 😬 IDK at which point this happened will fix!


With that said, probably we'll drop support for old clojures and jdks with cider 2.0.0


How near is 2.0 and how old are we talking for unsupported Clojure versions?


Thanks for all the great work @U45T93RA6!

🙌 2

> How near is 2.0 and how old are we talking for unsupported Clojure versions? (edited) 2024 We'd drop JDK8 if Clojure 1.12 does When Clojure 1.12 comes out, probably it would be good timing to drop older Clojures. Otherwise an extensive CI matrix (JDK Clojure other stuff) can get quite costly. Also, libs tend to drop support anyway, so as years pass it becomes less practical for anyone to rely on clojure 1.8.


Well, I'm not sure for JDK 8, given it's still widely used according to the State of Clojure survey, but it's obviously nice to have to support fewer environments.


That would reduce a lot the internal complexity in cider-nrepl and orchard, but it will happen only when the users won't suffer because of this.

👍 2