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Tommy Jolly16:11:16

Can I configure cider to always turn off print-namespace-maps in repls it runs? There seem to be various per-project solutions, but I'm ideally looking for something to put in my emacs config, to say that repls should always run (set! *print-namespace-maps* false) before anything else (or defmethod to redefine print-method , but that feels hacky)


We have Sounds like an easy PR against nREPL if you wish to attack it :)

Tommy Jolly16:11:26

Thank you! Debugging & fixing it is beyond my capabilities at the moment, but genuinely thanks for the suggestion, I'd love to contribute when I have more time


No issue. I want it too, we should get to it sometime soon :)

Tommy Jolly16:11:50

Brilliant 🙂