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Not sure if this is a cider or rather a general clojure question, but: how should I write code dealing with Java objects such that cider could provide meaningful code completion candidates?


For example, let's say I have some Java object factory, which provides methods such as

public SomeClass createSomeClass() { return new SomeClass(); }


I'd like to write code such as

(let [object (doto (.createSomeClass factory)
                (.setFoo 1)        ;; <- I'd like completion here
                (.setBar 2))       ;; <- and here   
      quuz   (.getQuuz object)]  ;; <- but also here
  (.toString quuz))


at the moment it feels like I need to write

(let [^SomeClass object (doto ^SomeClass (.createSomeClass factory)
                           (.setFoo 1)
                           (.setBar 2))   
      quuz   (.getQuuz object)]
  (.toString quuz))
for cider to suggest the completions


Also, it looks like the autocomplete does not suggest any inherited methods, e.g. if SomeClass extends SomeOtherClass.


As for the first question, is your only concern having to write type hints? There are many reasons to write them, I summarized them in


> Also, it looks like the autocomplete does not suggest any inherited methods, I'll check. That would sound like a Compliment issue (@U06PNK4HG)


sure, I naturally have (set! *warn-on-reflection* true) like any good boy. But in this case those type hints are not strictly needed


how is factory defined?


I don't have the code at hand at the moment, but something like (def ^ObjectFactory factory (ObjectFactory.)). The use case here is building a hierarchy tree of objects when doing XML generation from java classes.


Yep, that type hint looks like a correct (type-hinted) declaration. Generally, type tags propagate nicely across def s, let s, -> and so on. It's a non-trivial problem to solve but Compliment solves a good chunk of it. Feel free to verify that for a good variety of simple (and not-so-simple) expressions, we offer the right completion for a given interop object. If you can check that a) it works for certain cases and b) it doesn't work for a certain code shape (e.g. let + doto), it would be reasonable to create an issue in Compliment.


I assume Compliment is alexander-yakushev/compliment? Sure, I can document a couple of examples of my problem there

👍 1

When running tests with cider, every log message that is output to the repl also appears as an overlay and as a minibuffer message. Is there some way to disable this?


Log output is not supposed to be handled that way and would warrant a GH issue, will be happy to attend it swiftly

👍 1

Is there a handy elisp function for evaling something in the repl and getting results? Something akin to shell-command-to-string or process-lines? I've been trying cider-interactive-eval but it seems to have so many bells & whistles, it doesn't look very straightforward.


Oh, I just found cider-sync-tooling-eval. seems like something I can use.

👍 1

In case you want to use cider-interactive-eval this should work :

(cider-interactive-eval "(+ 1 2)" nil nil `(("ns" "user")))