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🔥 CIDER 1.8 is finally feature-complete and will be released before the end of the week! It’s going to be a huge release (see and everyone’s encouraged to play with the the current snapshot before it gets promoted to a stable release. 🔥

cider 15
🎉 6

In case you missed out, this is one of our most prominent new features:


Looking forward to new CIDER release. Upgraded to current snapshot.. Java doc looks great. cider-repl-set-ns does not seem to work anymore on my machine.. how should I report this? Jacking in to a local project, starts correctly. C-C M-n (M-) n does not work correctly for cider-repl-set-ns I expect the repl buffer to switch ns to the ns for the current file. Instead, I’m getting the following: Wrong type argument: stringp, #[257 “\310^A\311\“\310^B\312\“\310^C\313\“\310^D\314\“\310^E\315\“\310^F^F\316\“\310^F^G\317\“\310^F^H\320\“\310^F \321\“\322\307!\203A^@r\307q\210^D\203@^@\323\324!\204@^@\325^E!\210)^F^H\203`^\ @\301\203`^@\301\307^F \326\230\203Z^@\327^F !\202\\^@^F^H^F^K#\207^E\203n^@\306\205\370^@\306\307^F^G\“\207^C\203{^@\305\205\370^@\305\307^E\“\207^B\203\210^@\304\205\370^@\304\307^D\“\207^A\205\370^@\300\203\243^@\330^B\235\ \203\243^@\331\332\333^N*!\“\300\307^B\“\266^B\334^B\235\203\271^@\310^F \335\“\310^F^K\336\“\337^B^B\“\266^C\340^B\235\203\303^@\341\342!\210\343^B\235\203\321^@\302\206\317^@^N+ \210\344^B\235\203\335^@\341\345^F^F\“\210\346^B\235\203\347^@\347\307!\210\350^B\235\205\370^@\351^A!\210\303\205\370\ ^@\303\307!\207” [nil nil nil #[257 “\300^A!\207" [cider-repl-emit-prompt] 3 ” (fn BUFFER)“] #[514 “\300^B^B\“\207" [cider-repl-emit-stderr] 5 ” (fn BUFFER ERR)“] #[514 “\300^B^B\“\207" [cider-repl-emit-stdout] 5 ” (fn BUFFER OUT)“] #[514 “\300\207" [nil] 3 ” (fn BUFFER VALUE)“] #<buffer cider-repl code/myproj:localhost:53237(clj)> nrepl-dict-get “content-type” ...] 15 ” (fn RESPONSE)“]


An issue on GitHub would be the best way to report the problem you’ve encountered.


Latest snapshot fixes cider-repl-set-ns for me. Thank you for the expedited fix!

🙌 1