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When evaluating ClojureScript code in the source code buffer, the inline results are not being displayed. This seems only to affect clojurescript-mode, as inline evaluation results are displaying in clojure-mode.
I am using cider jack-in to start a Clojure CLI repl, using the following .dir-locals.el
((clojurescript-mode . ((cider-preferred-build-tool . clojure-cli)
(cider-clojure-cli-aliases . ":figwheel/env")
(cider-default-cljs-repl . figwheel-main)
(cider-figwheel-main-default-options . "dev")
(cider-repl-display-help-banner . nil))))
Are there any configuration changes that could make this happen?
I'm fairly sure this happen recently, I'll try earlier package versions to see if I can tell when it started occurring.
I am using CIDER 1.8.0-snapshot (package: 20231009.804) with Emacs 30 (native compilation, built from source on Linux)I could eye this in a bit
Do the *nrepl-messages*
logs say anything interesting?
(remember there's one for cljs specifically)
I think the problem is the cljs repl is not starting. Using sesman-browse its only showing the clj repl I believe. If that is so, then its no wonder eval is not working :)
1: practicalli/
linked-to: proj(~/projects/practicalli/
objects: *cider-repl %s(clj)*
I'll try a few different ways to start the REPL...if it helps, I published yesterday for another problem (now fixed)
It's npm install
and then cider-jack-in-cljs
Sorry, I think this was user error, as I have it working now.
I think I was selecting jack-in-clj and not jack-in-cljs so that would explain why there was a clj repl and not a cljs repl
Someone else was reporting in the #C09C8GRLY channel of the same issue, so I jumped to conclusions a bit too quickly...
I do wish to figure out how to run a ClojureScript REPL on the command line with an appropriate nrepl connection and connect to that repl from Cider. I can run figwheel, but need to also figure out the library and config for nrepl too (which I should be able to do from the cider command in theory 🙂
I don't have fresh Fig knowledge in my head... However shadow-cljs excels at running an nrepl server - it even has built-in logic/config for cider-nrepl and refactor-nrepl
I had the impression that fig-main isn't good at re-connecting either? i.e. with shadow I can quit localhost from Chrome, open it again and the repl will re-connect flawlessly.
I havent had any issues using figwheel-main (once I use the right jack-in commands) or any need to reconnect as projects are relatively simple (for the front end) One day I will find the time to read through the excellent shadow-cljs user guide (although currently have no reason to use javascript in my ClojureScript projects, so figwheel-main has kept things simple even though it has the option to bundle js packages - but no perceived value as yet to my projects). So using jack-in is just fine for ClojureScript projects I use. Its more curiosity on how to run from a terminal as that is how I start all the Clojure projects I work on.