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Brandon Olivier17:05:40

Does anybody else have issues with rich comments on an m1 mac? There’s some kind of font locking issue I haven’t been able to resolve that freezes up Emacs.

Brandon Olivier17:05:15

I actually checked and this has nothing to do with cider. The problem function, based on my profiler is markdown-fontify-code-blocks-generic which has some kind of issue with comment blocks.


i’ve got a patch that i think fixes this


do you have clojure-toplevel-inside-comment-form set?

Brandon Olivier18:05:03

That’s exactly what’s causing the issue


yeah. i seem to have thrown away the patch. let me try to recreate it

Brandon Olivier18:05:18

Found a GH thread that wasn’t around last time I was messing with this.


there’s an infinite loop in the logic. and i just put a “if we’re over 200 then give up”

Brandon Olivier18:05:34

No worries, I don’t use top level eval in comments often enough for it to make much of a difference


not a great fix

Brandon Olivier18:05:04

I think the latest release has a fix, which involved changing the beginning of defun functions, but I’m on Doom, so I’m not inclined to mess with that


hmm. i’m gonna have to check it out


do you have a link to what makes you think there’s a fix?


maybe someone did it better than my fix

Brandon Olivier18:05:48

Hold on a sec, you authored this fix 😂


yeah that moves it to clojure-mode


but i wrote it originally


> [#2375]( Move cider-eval-toplevel-inside-comment-form into clojure-mode as clojure-toplevel-inside-comment-form so beginning-of-defun is aware of comment forms.