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Oliver Marks18:05:50

I have been using this setup from the cider docs, in user.clj it defaults to :app but it looks like it should be selectable or configurable when you jack in as the function has 2 forms. is it possible to change just setup portfolio and looking for a way to switch between :app and :portfolio if this is possible.


Is there a way to use a certain jdk for just one project? I want to tinker around with virtual threads but I don't want to change my system jdk.

Daniel Craig20:05:50

If you're using VS Code/Calva and devcontainers, it's surprisingly straightforward

Daniel Craig20:05:46

See for an example of how I used JDK 18 and to try out the new features of project panama

Daniel Craig20:05:29

Sorry, I know you asked in the Cider channel; maybe devcontainers can be used in emacs/cider too


coffi certainly looks interesting, and I can take a look at the docker solution until another solution pops up.

Daniel Craig21:05:32

In case you didn't know, SDKMan makes changing the system jdk relatively pain-free

👀 1
Daniel Craig21:05:43

that might be worth looking into as well


if you try SDKMan you might be interested in checking out its

practicalli-johnny05:05:33 is a very simple to use tool to set the version of Java jdk to use

Oliver Marks07:05:57

SDKMan is a good option for managing your JDK environment docker tends to complicate things a bit when it comes to jacking in


Hi everyone, I’m having trouble running tests in a Clojure project with CIDER. Specifically, I’m trying to use the cider-test-run-project-tests function, but it keeps telling me that there are no tests to be run, even though there are. I’m using a deps.edn project and have confirmed that my test files are named properly and located in the right directory. I can run them from the command line with clojure -M:test. Any ideas on what might be causing this issue? Thanks in advance for your help!

Evan Bernard22:05:16

have you evaluated all of the forms in the project yet? it ought to evaluate all forms on startup, but if there’s a form that fails to evaluate and yet you don’t hear about it, the tests might will have been prevented from loading


yes. also I believe that clojure -M:test would do that as well


… seems like I was missing "test" in here :paths ["src" "test"]

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