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At work, I'm encountering difficulties trying to launch a cider-repl in one of our projects via cider-jack-in-clj. Specifically, I'm getting the following error message: Could not start nREPL server: Cannot run program "java" (in directory "....."): CreateProcess error=206, filename or extension is too long. However, running lein repl appears to work without any issues. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for how to address this problem?


I seem to remember seeing this problem before, and having to do with Emacs and your shell having different configurations for the PATH. Mainly, the directory where the java binary is, being part of the shell PATH, but not being part of it in the PATH Emacs uses to run thhe cider-jack-in-clj command.


I think it must be something else, as it works in other projects and there's no path fiddling in the project itself


Ohh. It works in WSL. I can just avoid the issue altogether I guess

David Ackerman12:03:56

is there a good way for me to find unused functions in my (ClojureScript) project to delete? Here's what I thought of: • clj-kondo will tell me if a private function is unused in a file, but afaik doesn't help with public functions • CIDER has fn-refs but i think it only works for Clojure • clj-refactor seems like it should have the ability to do this but i'm unaware of a function for it and also not sure if it works on ClojureScript projects it's okay if it's not 100% perfect (i.e. misses edge cases where you're doing super dynamic stuff). I just don't want to manually grep every function in my project that I think might not be used.


in addition to carve, #lsp has a unused public var linter which is on by default

David Ackerman12:03:31

beautiful, thank you!