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When augmenting an existing exception my cider doesn’t show me the new ex-message but only the original one. This makes it often hard to see what’s going on. Do other folks have the same behaviour? Is this intentional?


I can tap to a much nicer display, any way to make that the default?


if I rethrow without ex-cause I do see the more specific ex-message but I’d prefer to not lose the ex-cause


Have to check how the source works. Probably comes from the underlying clojure tooling which behaves this way to show you the actual error and not the wrappers around it


shouldn’t it be the other way around? Augmenting and rethrowing should typically add information and improve the message?


Maybe. If a tls connection throws so your connection throws so your query throws so your endpoint throws, you ideally want the tls connection issue. The others lack any context

👍 2